Declaration The data findings of the kinds of Speech Acts presented in Emma

suddenly there was a person whose position is not mentioned above. She was neither the president of a country member nor the UN officials. This condition made people wonder why a person like Emma could speak in the UN General Assembly. Based on the data above, Emma wanted to tell the reason why she could be in the UN General Assembly. She told the audience that she had been appointed by the UN Women as the Goodwill Ambassador six months ago. This statement changed the social status of Emma in the International World which was not only as an actress but also as an ambassador. Being a Goodwill Ambassador of the UN Women made the audience believe that Emma had the authority to stand in the podium and to talk about the feminist movement in the UN. Telling the audience her important position in the UN would gain the emotional feeling of the audience to trust Emma and to believe in what Emma said. Furthermore, she added that she had been chosen since six months ago which means she had been in that position since half a year ago. It means that since half a year ago until the time she delivered the speech, she had been experiencing many things regarding the gender issue. She had dealt with gender problems around the world, from the first world countries until the third world countries. Th e noun phrase “six months ago” was chosen rather than “half a year” because it strengthened the audience’s understanding about how long she had been in that position and how experienced she had become. Therefore, delivering this declaration was a good choice to gain the people’s respect and trust to Emma.

b. Representative

Representive is a kind of speech acts which states what the speaker believes to be the case or not Yule, 1996. There were many forms of r epresentative shown in Emma Watson’s HeForShe which are presented as follows. 1 Opening The goal of opening is to gain the attention of the audience. Opening usually is placed in the beginning of the speech. The opening can be a greeting andor addressing. One of the example of the o pening presented in Emma Watson’s HeForShe speech is shown below. Your Excellences, UN Secretary General, President of the General Assembly, Executive Director of the UN Women and distinguished guests. SP100.00-00.16 The atmosphere in the UN General Assembly meeting was very formal which made people already have high attention toward the person talking in the podium. Therefore, when Emma went to the podium, everybody had given her the attention. Thus, she did not need to grab the attention of the audience by greeting them but by directly addressing the officials and the audience. This perception was also emphasized with the use of “distinguished guests” phrase because this way of addressing looked more formal yet very respectful than “ladies and gentlemen”. Therefore, the utterance above was included as opening since its function was to open Emma’s speech. However, greeting was not used because she wanted to be straightforward and simple in her opening. Just like any other organizations, the UN also has its own hierarchy position. However, not all Presidents and Chairs of the UN branches were invited in order to make the meeting more specific and effective. The UN Secretary General, the President of the General Assembly, the Executive Director of the UN Women were some of the most important people of the UN who were invited in the meeting. The other guests who attended the meeting were the members of the UN and the media. Emma addressed the UN officials based on the degree of the respect because it would eventually make the audience believe that she was very appropriate and had a high sense of social sensitiveness. It was because Emma would tell the audience about the most sensitive issue which was the gender issue. Many people did not believe in gender inequality simply because they