Formulation of The Problems Objectives of The Study

F. Significance of The Study

Theoretically, it is expected that the final result is useful for: 1. enriching the study in the field of linguistics especially pragmatics, and; 2. creating a bibliography variation to the readers in the relation to the classification of speech acts, and social and political condition. Practically this research is expected to be useful for: 1. those who study English in dealing with adding their English speaking materials especially those which deal with the speaking skill such as the example of an effective speech; 2. those who study linguistics especially pragmatics in dealing with the way a speech is effective; 3. other researchers who are interested in conducting the research in the same field of study. 9


A. Literature Review

1. Pragmatics

a. Definition

Leech 1991 defined pragmatics as the study of how utterances have meanings in any situations. In addition, Yule 1996 explained that p ragmatics is the study of speakers’ meaning, contextual meaning, how more gets communicated than is said, and the expression of relative distance. Therefore, based on these two definitions, it can be concluded that pragmatics is the study on speakers’ meaning which is influenced by the context situation. However, the listeners or readers and the speakers or writers should share the same knowledge of the context to achieve the better understanding. So, the communication that is created between the speaker and listener can be effectively gained and resulted into something that both actors expected from the conversations.

b. Cooperative Principles

Cooperative principles are about how to make your conversational contribution because generally in conversation the speaker writer and listener reader are cooperating each other Leech, 1991; Yule: 1996. Cooperative principles are the kind