Refutation refutatio The data findings of the Arrangements of Classical Rhetoric presented

f. Conclusion peroratio

Conclusion is used to sum up claims and reinforce them with emotional appeals. The example of conclusion presented in Emma Watson’s HeForShe are as follows. I decided that I was a feminist. And this seemed uncomplicated to me. SP102.18-02.24 After witnessing the unequal treatments given to her and her friends, she finally decided that she wanted to become a feminist. This was the conclusion of what she finally took after having the bad experiences in her life. She added her feeling about her decision to let the audience know that deciding to be a feminist is not something hard to do. This emotion was needed to touch the heart of the listeners, so that they would not only remember the content of the speech but they also were persuaded to follow the speaker’s direction which was to be a feminist. These influencers were the gender equality ambassadors that made who I am today. SP104.23-04.31 The statement above showed that there was a link between the people in her surrounding to influence her to become a feminist with the reason why she became a feminist. She was also trapped by the society’s prejudices regarding the gender, but she was lucky that there were still many people who helped her to be free from the prejudices. In conclusion, these people were the ones who shaped Emma’s ideology about feminism. This feminism will help female as well as male to have the equal rights to be a complete version of human they want to pursue. How can we affect change in the world when only half of it is invited or feel welcome to participate in the conversation? SP105.24-05.35 Before delivering the statement above, Emma gave the analysis about why the very outstanding speech given by the most famous woman in that time, Mrs Clinton, could not affect change in the targeted people which were the people of Republic of China. She concluded that the speech failed because half of the audience were men. As Emma had explained before, men are the main actor who can help to change the values that have been rooted in the society. Therefore, from the precedent which is Mrs Clinton’s speech, Emma could conclude that the success of a feminism campaign can be seen from the number of male audiences who attend it. This is very important for the audience because if they believe in gender equality, they will encourage men to watch the speech and to be a feminist.