The data findings of the kinds of Speech Acts presented in Emma

victimized by the stereotypes. She added that it would be nice if the condition changes in the near future. Therefore, by creating a logical and emotional arguments, Emma successfully made her speech very effective in gaining people’s attention towards gender issues. The data findings regarding the speech acts in Emma Watson’s HeForShe are presented in the table below. Table 4: The Data Findings of The Kinds of Speech Acts Presented in Emma Watson’s HeForShe NO. Illocutionary Acts Illocutionary Force Frequency 1. Declaration 1. Declaring 1 Total 1 2. Representative 1. Opening 2. Informing 3. Convincing 4. Insisting 5. Clarifying 6. Protesting 7. Criticizing 8. Guessing 9. Predicting 1 49 7 5 1 1 1 1 3 Total 69 3. Commissive 1. Guaranteeing 2. Threatening 1 3 Total 4 4. Directive 1. Commanding 2. Inviting 3. Requesting 1 2 2 Total 5 5. Expressive 1. Addressing 2. Relieving 3. Deploring 4. Regretting 5. Praising 6. Thanking 1 2 3 2 2 1 Total 11 Total of Illocutionary Act occurrences 90 Based on the table above, representative is the most frequently used illocutionary act which was used by the speaker for 69 times. It is because the main goal of Emma’s speech in the UN General Assembly was to tell the people that the world is no longer safe. One of the most dangerous problems still exists in the status quo right now which is the gender inequality. We, as the current human beings who live in this world, should do something to stop it. It is needed for us to prevent the world to be more deteriorated. Telling the audience about the information and making people aware of the problem existing in the current status quo are mostly effective to be delivered by using representative. That is why in this speech Emma utilized representative the most in order to convey her message. Representative consists of 9 illocutionary forces which are opening, informing, convincing, insisting, clarifying, protesting, criticizing, guessing and predicting. Informing was seen as the most frequent force with 49 occurrences. Based on the research that had been conducted by Emma, it proved that most of the people are not familiar with the feminism term. They only understand it as something which is bad, aggressive and man-hating. Therefore, Emma wanted to clarify the meaning of feminism. She also wanted to direct the people’s mind that being feminism does not necessarily mean they hate men but simply fighting for the equality that both men and women deserve to get. Therefore, in order to transfer this important issues to the audience with the highly educated background, informing was used more frequently than any other types of representative because it was less offensive. On the other hand, it was found that declaring came as the least frequent type to be seen in the table. The function of declaring is to state oneself about something that may change how the world perceives them. Emma was only known as the Hollywood actress who was seen less contributive in any political situations. In the UN General Assembly Hall, she was trying to make a social and political approach to the audience by bringing up the gender issue. She made a declaration which was done by telling the audience that she is the goodwill ambassador of the UN Women. Exactly after hearing that statement, the audience suddenly changed their perception about Emma and gave more attention and respect to her. This statement was really effective to make a good sudden change of perception about Emma in the audience’s eyes just in one second. Therefore, the use of declaration should be just right, effective, and not too much.

2. The data findings of the types of the arrangement of classical rhetoric

presented in Emma Watson’s HeForShe The arrangement of classical rhetoric consists of introduction, statement of facts, division, proof, refutation and conclusion. The data findings regarding the arrangement of classical rhetoric presented in Emma Watson’s HeForShe are shown below. Table 5. The Data Findings of The Arrangements of Classical Rhetoric Presented in Emm a Watson’s HeForShe No The Arrangements of Classical Rhetoric Frequency 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction Statement of Facts Division Proof Refutation Conclusion 2 14 25 1 17 Total 59 Based on the table above proof came as the most frequent canon with 25 times of occurrence and division came as the least canon to be used by the speaker with 0 time of occurrence. In influencing the people to make an important move, we need to enter into their logic and give the explanations in detail. By providing the logical arguments, it will be easier for any new arguments, especially those which somehow are the opposite of their current beliefs, to be accepted and digested by the audience. This logical explanations and supporting facts will be very meaningful to convince the audience to the points brought by the speaker. Similar with Emma, most of the people did not aware that there was a gender problem such as the unequal treatment, limited self-determination, underestimating women’s capability, and so forth. We were forced to believe that women should be perceived as the weaker human beings. Hence, their freedom and rights were less likely acknowledged by the society. This condition made the women suffer even more. In order to make people believe that there was an urgent problem in the society, the speaker