Research Method Redesign the pedagogical strategies

The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 144 corporate action information, issues or rumors developed. In conjunction with herding behavior of investors, a trading volume of stock provides clues of investors’ interest in general, so the herd behavior will increase while the trading volume will decrease. Investors make the herd behavior because they do not have certainty of information or lack of understanding of movement of the variables affecting the decisions of investors to invest.This is supported by research conducted by Al- Shboul 2012and Economou et al. 2010they tested the asymmetry herd behavior, in which the herding behavior is created due to high volume of stock trading. If the herding behavior increases, stock trading volume will decrease due to factor of mimicking direction of the market movement so that excessive transaction will not occur as reflected in the increased volume of stock trading. Ha2: There is a negative effect of high trading volume on herding behavior

3. Research Method

SAMPLE AND DATA The present study used population of LQ45 stocks with observation period from 2007 to2012. Sample of the study was selected by a purposive sampling method with criteria are large active stocks of the Indonesia Stock Exchange and shares of companies included int he sample had data from 2007to 2012 consecutively. Data of the study consists of: 1 Market return, 2 Company return, 3 Volumeof trading, 4 Shares outstanding, 5 The release date of macro economic variables SBI rates. The data were obtained from data base of the Indonesian Capital Marketin Indonesian Capital Market Directory . Macro economic data was obtained from OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF THE VARIABLES Measure ments performed for eachv ariable can be seen in the following table: Table1Variable Measurement No Variables Variable Measurement Dependent Variable 1. Herding Behavior CSAD = Cross Sectional Absolute Deviation …….. 2 Given: N isthe number of companies in LQ45, is a stock return of a company, LQ45at t, is return ofcomposite stock price index at time t. Belgacem and Lahiani 2013; Chang et al. 2000 Independent Variable 1. SBI rates release Dummy of SBI rates release. SBI rate release is a dummy variable = 1 if a release is found and 0 if otherwise Belgacem and Lahiani 2013 2. Stock Trading Volume Stock Turnover ……..3 Connolly and Stivers 2005; Smidt 1990; Le Baron 1992; Cambel, et al 1993. Rate of stock turnoverused is a dummy variable of high and low TO. Dummy variabel = 1 if TO value higher than average values of its movement and 0 if else The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 145 TECHNICAL ANALYSIS AND HYPOTHESES TESTING Techniques of data analysis can be done by using Eviews 8 software asa tool of data processing and regressing amodel has been formulated previously. The model of hypothesis testing proposed is based on the model of Chang et al. 2000 and Belgacem and Lahiani 2013. Empirical model of researchis: …. 4 Given: CSAD t is a cross-sectional absolute deviationas a measure of herding behavior, is the market return, is a dummy variable =1if there is are lease of macro economic and 0 if other, is a dummy variable =1if a stock turn over rate is high er than average value of its move ment. β, , θ, k , θ are the estimated coefficients. And t is residual value of the model. Overall models of the present study were estimated by using method of ordinary least squares OLS. Conclusion of the estimation result is base don’t wo methods, the first is the value of t-testp robability ort-statistic  -Value of each estimated coefficient with α = 0.05, and the second is based on the results of the F-calculation with α = 0.05. The model fit is viewed from adjusted R 2 in which the value of close to 1, the better the model. Test of the first hypothesis, direction of coefficient was already known, namelya negative effect -, then the hypothesis was made through a one-sided test. Formulation of hypotheses in order to test the effects of macro economic news MN on a herding behavior is H0: 1   and Ha: 1   .Testing of significance of the effect of macro economic release on herding behavior was performed by t-test and compared the probability value  value to the significance level of . If the probability value is less than the  value, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Accordingly, it can be concluded that the economic news affects herding behavior. In order to test the second hypothesis, direction of coefficient was already known, namely the negative effect -, then the hypothesis was made through a one-sided test. Formulation of hypotheses in order to test effect of high and low stock turn over on herding behavior is H0: and Ha: . Testing of significance of the effect of high and low stock turn over on herding behavior was performed by t-test andc ompared the probability value  value to the significance level of . If the probability value is less than , then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. It can be concluded that the stock turn over rate affects the herding behavior.

4. Results and Discussion