RESEARCH PROCESS Object of Research Researchers take the object of research in Private

The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia | 118 results in accordance with what we want to measure. Test Validity done by looking at the output of the program AMOS AMOS is the Estimate by comparing P values with an alpha of 5 if the P value 0.05 was then declared invalid. Reliability test was conducted to test the interpretation of the respondents statement of grains contained in the instrument of consistency shown by the answers given. To determine whether the data is reliable or not it can be seen from the Cut-Off Value of contruct Reliability with the minimum provisions of 0.7 or views of Cut Off Value of Variance Extracted at least 0.5.


The variables in this study were classified into exogenous variables, mediating variables, and endogenous variables. Exogenous variables consist of Information Quality E-Learning, E-Learning System Quality, Service Quality of E-Learning. Mediating variables consisting of Intention To Use and User Satisfaction, and for the endogenous variables namely Net Benefit. The following is the operational definition of variables. Perhaps there is also a double instrumental variables as independent variable in a relationship, but became dependent on variables other relationships given the existence of a relationship of causality that is berjenjan. Each of the dependent and independent variable is a factor or invalid constructs can be built from a few variable indicators. Similarly among the variables that may take the form of a single variable in observation or measured directly in a process of research. Modeling by using SEM research refers to Ferdinand 2002. Table. 2 Goodness of Fit Indicates Goodness of Fit Index Cut Off Value X 2 chi square statistic df den gan α = 0,005 Significancy Probability ≥ 0,05 RMSEA ≤ 0,08 GFI ≥ 0,90 AGFI ≥ 0,90 CMINDF ≤ 2,00 TLI ≥ 0,95 CFI ≥0,95 Source : Hair, dkk Ferdinand, 2002


So that research can be run in a systematic and do not deviate from the purpose of the research, there are several stages that are defined before the research, such as that found in Figure 3: FIRST STAGE 1.1 Preparation Study Of Literature, The Preparation Of The Introduction, Formulation Of The Problem, The Perpose And Benefit Of Research 1.2 Design Research Determine The Method And Models Of Research, Indentify Research Variabels 2.Designing a Questionare And Determine Sample Research 3. Manage And Present Data 4. Structural Equation Model Analysis 5. Make Conclusion 1. First Stage 2. The Data Collection Stage 3. Analysis Stage 4. Stage Of The Formulation Of The Result 5. Last Stage. Figure 3. Research Process 10. CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATION OF MANAGEMENT Expected with research evaluation management information system E-Learning can be utilized by the Organization to improve productivity of individual and organizational productivity Net Benefit. Expected also the success of information system Model with DeLone and McLean can provide information about the results of the net benefit gained by the College by using E- learning. By doing an evaluation of management information systems the management can find out how well the management information system of E-Learning can operate on its organization and improve organizational performance in the future. This evaluation process is not only focuses on the determination of weaknesses and advantages of management information systems, E-Learning course, but more than that is on the improvement efforts need to be made. The purpose of the evaluation of management information systems are: • Assess the capabilities of technical management information system • Assess the implementation of the operations management information system • Assess the utilization of management information systems BIBLIOGRAPHY Almutairi, H., Subramanian, G. H. 2005. 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Abstract: In this study, the authors examined the effect of product attributes, prices, the need to find variations, and dissatisfaction with the brand switching behavior of the face cream brand in the city of Yogyakarta. The sample used by 200 respondents. Data collected by the survey method in the form of questionnaires directly to the respondents. Data analysis techniques in this study using SEM analysis Structural Equation Modeling which is operated through a program AMOS 21. These results indicate that product attributes has a significant negative effect on brand switching behavior, price has a significant positive effect on brand switching behavior, the need to find variation has a significant positive effect on brand switching behavior and dissatisfaction has a significant positive effect on brand switching behavior. Keywords: product attributes, prices, the need to find variations, dissatisfaction and brand switching behavior. 1 ICMSDM-TW. BACKGROUND The title of the paper should be written in bold in 14 Business competition in the era of globalization requires companies to be capable act fast and appropriately in the face of competition in the moving business environment is very dynamic and full of uncertainty. Thus every company is required to compete competitively in terms of creating and maintaining a loyal customer, through brand competition. One of them is competition on beauty products for the development of an increasingly modern world beauty becomes a commodity which traded. Beauty products is attempted to compete with similar products in different ways so that their products continue to be used by consumers. With the progress of time, as now greatly affect the mindset of society. The phenomenon of the rise of face cream products which appear on the market can lead to a trend among young people which are considered to have beautiful skin. With so many facial creams circulation in the market makes consumers vulnerable to switch brands because every product always offers a variety of excellence of its products to affect the consumers to buy the product. Lately, many companies that offer beauty products with several advantages such as quality of materials, price and attributes of the product. Thus making consumers attracted to the such products, with the increasingly fierce competition, the company must be able to see market opportunities, because by looking at consumer behavior is change and want to try out new products more attractive to company can dominate the market. Brand switching behavior in this study The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 122 measures the variable products attribute offered by the company and the price offered by the company, customer dissatisfaction, and the need to find variations which influence the brand switching behavior in the purchase of face cream. The research concept is a replication of the model used by Arianto Good 2013. Brand of face cream products which will be used as a reference question to respondents include some facial cream product brands in Indonesia. So the researchers conducted this study with the title: The Effects of Product Attributes, Price, Need for Variations and dissatisfaction with Brand Switching Behavior in Brand Face Cream in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. PROBLEM 1. Does product attributes affect of brand switching behavior in the purchase of face cream brands in Yogyakarta? 2. Does price affect of brand switching behavior in the purchase of face cream brand in Yogyakarta? 3. Does the need to find variations affect of brand switching behavior in the purchase of face cream brands in Yogyakarta? 4. Does dissatisfaction affect of brand switching behavior in the purchase of face cream brands in Yogyakarta? LITERATURE REVIE AND HYPOTHESES 3.1 Effect of product attributes on brand switching behavior Switching brands can arise due to the attributes of the product. Product attributes can be used as the main attraction for users. According to Kotler, P 2009 is a description of the product attributes are the benefits of what will be given the product. Product attributes embodied in the form of branding, packaging, product labels, product design and quality that greatly affect the customer reaction to the product. Dharmmesta, BS 2002 states that the product characteristics and product attributes is linked to the brand switching behavior. Every variable has a contribution submitted to the displacement of a brand, so any form of the displacement can be identified from the contribution of product attributes. Cornelisz, S 2009 states that the product attributes is closely related to the benefits that can be felt consumers, so the higher product attributes allows consumers are increasingly interested in not leave Pepsodent Herbal products. In previous studies, Emilia, Siska 2012 said in his research on brand switching on Rinso products in Padang that the product attributes a significant negative effect on the consumer brand switching behavior Rinso to other brands in the city of Padang. The higher product attributes on the product Rinso brand switching will decrease. This shows that product attributes given by the Rinso detergent can be received well. H1: Product attributes a significant negative effect on brand switching behavior in face creams. 3.2 Effect of price on brand switching behavior. According Tjiptono in Santoso, Agus 2011 prices can make informed decisions if the purchasing a set price should in accordance with what is obtained by the consumer, in other words what is paid in accordance with what is obtained. Wibawanto and Susanto, 2012 shows that prices are having an influence on brand switching behavior compared to the low levels of consumer satisfaction and celebrity endorser. In previous study, Wardani 2010 stated in his research on brand switching on Biore facial cleanser soap showed a positive and significant effect on the price variable to brand switching behavior Biore facial cleanser soap. This means that consumers will choose products with reasonable price and accordance with benefits to be gained. The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 123 H2: Price positive and significant effect on brand switching behavior in face creams. 3.3 Effect of the need to find the variation of products to brand switching behavior. The need to find variations according to Peter and Olson, JC 2002 is a cognitive commitment to buy a different brand for different reasons, or the emergence of new keingianan boredom on something that has been long in consumption. Cornelisz, S 2009 concluded that the higher the frequency of consumers to seek variety of products, the opportunity to continue to consume products Pepsodent Herbal getting smaller. This study is in line with study Wardani 2010 stated in his research on brand switching on Biore facial cleanser soap showed a positive and significant effect on the variables need to find variations on brand switching behavior on Biore facial cleanser soap. H3: The need to find variation spositive and significant effect on brand switching behavior in face creams.

3.4 Effect of dissatisfaction with the