THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND Future Research Some future research agenda formulated by the

The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 55 One individual differences that interesting to study in relation to the effect of message framing on decision making is Need for Cognition NFC. NFC showed differences in persons tendency to perform and enjoy the cognitive activities Cacioppo et al., 1984. Cognitive response theory states that individual response to the message they received is determined by the individuals motivation to process the message. It means that individual motivation to process the message they receive are determined by the their NFC. Limited and inconclusive research findings in message framing based on literature review Fatmawati, 2012, limited support for moderation effects of NFC in framed messages persuasion power and the low of public awareness to perform electricity saving behavior are the main issues underlying this research. Based on above discussions, some research questions were formulated to be explored further: 1. Is there any differences in attitude between subjects who received positive and negative message framing promoting electricity energy saving behavior? 2. Is NFC moderate the influence of message framing on the attitude toward electricity energy saving behavior? 3. Is intention mediate the effect of attidude on electricity energy saving behavior?


HYPOTHESIS 2.1. Attitude And Attitude Change Attitudes and attitude change is one of the most ivestigated topics in social psychology Olson and Zanna, 1993. Attitude is a summary of psychological individual evaluation of an object stated in the dimensions of attributes such as good-bad, harmful-beneficial, pleasant-unpleasant and unwelcome favored Ajzen, 2001. Petty and Cacioppo 1986 stated that attitude is general evaluation individual made against himself, other people, objects or certain issues. One of the most important reasons to study attitude is to gain knowledge about how a persons attitude can be changed, this is called persuasion and it is the biggest topic in the discussion about the attitude Olson and Zanna, 1993. Persuasion is a change in attitude as a result of exposure to information obtained from other party. Olson 1993 and Wood 2000 states that this exposure can be written or verbal message information. Attitude change theory is also used to describe how consumers adopt a product or idea. Summarizes the existing theories, Eagly and Chaiken 1984 stated that the mechanism of persuasion can be approximated by three separate approaches. They are: 1. The Cognitive Response Approach consists of: Theory of Planned Behavior, Transtheoretical Model, Social Judgment Theory, Elaboration Likelihood Model, Self Efficacy Theory, Integration Internal And External Determinant, and forewarning and inoculation theory, 2. The Attributional Reasoning Approach Prospect Theory, Attribution Theory, Theory of Self Perception, and Social Identity Model and 3. The Heuristic Processing Mode Theory Of Reactance, Theory Of Cognitive Dissonance, Theory Of Social Norms, Focus Theory Of Normative Conduct, Modeling Theory, Social Learning Theory And The Six Principles Of Persuasion. The three mechanisms can occur simultaneously and interact each other. This study uses message framing approach by considering the difference in Need for Cognition NFC as a moderating variable. Framing the message derived from prospect theory Kahneman and Tversky, 1979 and is one of the techniques of persuasion that attributional reasoning approach. NFC is one of the variables that influence the individuals motivation to process the message.

2.2. Framing Theory