Problem Formulation Research Objectives Benefits Research

The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 170 society. Society has not received optimal health care from hospitals as well as transparency and low public accountability. This condition occurs because of good public governance unimplemented optimally. This is in line with research conducted by Boz Allen, 1990 in Prasetyono and Kompyurini 2007, that Indonesia is a country that implementation of good public governance of its lowest. Therefore, in an effort to improve the performance of organizations, hospitals management needs to rethink the planning, control, and making the right decision. General district hospital as one of the government agencies should be able to give an account both financial and non-financial to the local government and the community as a service user. Hence the need for a performance measurement that includes all aspects. Performance measurement is one factor that is essential for an organization Ulum, 2009 in Andranik 2008. Balanced Measurement scorcard is the right choice for measuring the performance of both financial and non financial aspects. Therefore, Balanced scorecard assessed appropriate for public sector organizations. This is consistent with the objectives of public organizations that put services tend to be qualitative and nonfinancial as a top priority Mahmudi, 2007 in Suwardika 2011. The concept of the balanced scorecard developed by Kaplan and Norton 2000 in Trihastuti 2011 is one method of measuring performance by incorporating therein the four aspects, namely: Financial perspective Financial Perspective, Customer perspective Customer Perspective, internal business process perspective Perspective Internal Business processes, learning and growth perspective learning and growth Perspective. There are some problems that occur in Cilacap General Hospital, particularly on the subject of existing services at the hospital. Problems that occur Cilacap General Hospital include: a. The slow pace of medical and administrative services to have to queue for hours. b. The number of patients who can not be accommodated in particular patients with grade III even be willing to stay in the halls between rooms. c. Lack of cleanliness, noisy atmosphere that does not support the healing process, as well as the prevalence of patients visitors of contracting infectious diseases increases. d. Workforce has not met the minimum service standards SPM. Though good hospital was based on Law No. 44 of 2009 on the hospital, article 29 paragraph 1 says that every hospital has the obligation to provide health care and provide a means for poor people poor. While Article 32 concerning the rights of patients, it is said that every patient has the right to obtain an effective and efficient services so that patients avoid physical and material losses, and article 11 2 of the infrastructure of the hospital, said that the hospital infrastructure must meet the standards of service , safety, and occupational health and safety organization of the hospital. Based on the above, the researcher is interested to take the title Key Success Factor Scorcard Balanced Performance: Effects of Public Service and Good Quality of Public Governance Performance Against Cilacap District General Hospital Survey in Cilacap District General Hospital.

2. Problem Formulation

Based on the background research that has been described above, the formulation of the problem in this study are: a. Is the quality of public services affect the performance of Cilacap District General Hospital? b. Do good public governance affect the performance of Cilacap District General Hospital? c. Is there a relationship between the quality of public services with good public governance in Cilacap General Hospital? d. Is the quality of public District services together with good public governance on the performance of hospitals berpengruh Cilacap?

3. Research Objectives

Goals to be achieved by this research are: a. To determine the influence of the quality of public services on the performance of Cilacap District General Hospital. b. To determine the influence of good public governance on the performance of Cilacap District General Hospital. c. To determine the relationship between the quality of public services with good public governance in Cilacap District General Hospital. d. To determine the influence of the quality of public services together with good public governance on the performance of Cilacap District General Hospital.

4. Benefits Research

This study is expected to provide a double benefit, namely the theoretical and practical benefits. a. Theoreticalacademic benefits This study is expected to provide a conceptual contribution to the development of science studies in the field of public sector accounting, especially regarding the performance of a hospital that is using the Balanced Scorcard through quality public services and Good Public Governance b. Benefits practically The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 171 1 For hospital The results of this study are expected to used as consideration to formulate future strategies and service improvement. 2 For researchers Can expand knowledge in the field of public sector accounting, especially regarding the performance of a hospital that uses the Balanced Scorcard method. 3 For academics and readers Expected to increase the repertoire of the library with additional references for further research on performance appraisal using the Balanced Scorcard through quality public services and Good Public Governance.

5. Review of Literature