DISCUSSION Method of Data Analysis Data analysis tool used in this study is Exploratory

The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia | 194 indicators. Variable said to be reliable if it has an alpha reliability coefficient of 0.5 or more. Table 1 below shows the reliability test results. Table 1. Reliability Test Variable ∑ƛi ∑€i Construct reliability Internal Marketing 5.2258 1.86658 0.736819 Organizational culture 7.19312 1.9181 0.789479 Knowledge management 5.45223 0.79791 0.872338 Based on the results of these calculations, because there is no construct reliability value whose value is below 0.50 then all constructs used in this study feasible. Discriminant Validity Test The size of individual reflexive as valid if it has a value of loading factor ƛ with latent variables wishing measured ≥ 0.5, if one indicator has a value factor ƛ ≤ 0.5, the indicator indicates that it was issued because the indicator is not enough good to measure latent variables appropriately. Table 2. Validity Test Variable AVE  AVE Internal Marketing 0.485838 0.697021 Organizational Culture 0.485718 0.696935 Knowledge Management 0.697763 0.835322 Discriminate validity testing using ST values is done by comparing the root of the AVE value of each construct with the correlations between constructs with other constructs. AVE values should be greater than 0.5 Hair et al, 1998. Table 2 shows that the value of the root of the AVE of each construct was greater with the correlation between the constructs with other constructs. It can be concluded the data in this study have good discriminant validity. Structural Model Analysis of hypothesis testing criteria of goodness of fit of the estimated structural models can be met; the next step is an analysis of the structural relationships hypothesis testing as shown in Figure 2, the relationship between the constructs indicated by the regression weight Hair et al, 1998, in Haryono and hartjo 2010. To analyze more clearly the influence of internal marketing, organizational culture and knowledge management in private hospital in Bengkulu can be seen in Table 3. Table 3. SEM Result Structural Relation Estimate C.R P Structural Relation Estimate C.R P BO --- IM .590 5.289 0.000 KM --- BO .975 4.648 0.000 KM --- IM -.030 -.190 0.849 Chi-square 28.299 Probabilitas level 0.166 CMINDF 1.286 CFI 0.983 RMSEA 0.051 TLI 0.979 GFI 0.942 AGFI 0.905 Single Composite Score Indicator In Table 3 above shows that the value of CMIN DF, RMSEA, CFI, GFI and TLI in accordance with the criteria, although the value of AGFI is at marginal value, but according to Hair et al 1998 if the value of AGFI approaching the recommended value, then the value is deserved to be nominated. It is clear that after a single composite score on the model, the resulting model is fit enough and fit for use. The result of SEM at Figure 2. Figure 2: The Result of SEM The result show that internal marketing have significant influence toward organizational culture, and have influence to knowledge management. Internal marketing must throug organizational culture to influence knowledge management, it can say that have fully mediating for knowledge management.


Knowledge Management Applied knowledge management in private hospitals Bengkulu city is good 4.20. Knowledge management is the process by which organizations acquire knowledge, knowledge creation and utilization or sharing knowledge. Dimensions highest conducted on knowledge management in a private hospital in the city of Bengkulu is the creation of knowledge 4.26. Knowledge creation is done by means of dialogue fellow team members to discuss new things about the job. Before carrying out the work and at the time of The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia | 195 carrying out the work, the nurse accustomed to coordinate with the direct supervisor and co-workers to discuss the progress of patients, prepare follow-up actions to be taken, and discuss all matters relating to employment. Knowledge creation is also done between parts of nurses, nurse meaning of the section frequent discussions with other parts nurse . The acquisition of knowledge in this study have an average 4.24 is above average overall assessment of knowledge management, but is below average knowledge creation. The acquisition of knowledge means that nurses are always acquiring new knowledge from various sources. Knowledge can be obtained from the direct supervisor, books, the internet, and social media at their disposal. Nurses are always trying to find new knowledge from various sources individually, as a private hospital in the city of Bengkulu not been fully invested to develop new knowledge. Knowledge creation and knowledge acquisition is not enough to cultivate knowledge management in the hospital, the dimensions of the use and sharing of knowledge is also important. If the knowledge that has been collected, then discussed but not utilized and shared with fellow nurses in the field as well as in other fields, the knowledge becomes not beneficial, only stored or used for theirself. It turns out that this condition is consistent with the findings Fong and Choi, 2009, which states, despite the important role of knowledge, but knowledge is often not managed systematically, and its contribution to the success of the company is often overlooked. The Company believes that this kind of investment in the process of knowledge is not possible to improve their business and generate sufficient revenue. In the future the private hospital must invest to cultivate knowledge management by buying books, bulletins, e-book, or other facility to increase the knowledge and for the process of knowledge acquisition to be implemented easier. The acquisition of knowledge should be continued with the creation of knowledge through discussions weekly or monthly, so that would be obtained new knowledge and it can be used to improve hospital performance and increase competitive advantage. Only company that can manage good knowledge can preserve its competitive advantage Hiebeler, 1996. Internal Marketing Based on the nurses perception of private hospitals in the city of Bengkulu, the hospital where they work have applied good internal marketing 4, 02. The highest mean score is job satisfaction 4,10, where the nurse enjoys her job at the moment and feel satisfied if they can do a good job. Satisfaction comes from themself. Nurse satisfaction not supported with the rewards they received neither intrinsic nor extrinsic rewards. The average scores to obtain adequate bonuses role in daily activities was low 3.81, the low self apraisal and career sustainability 3.86. To improve internal marketing capacity the private hospital can improve nurse satisfaction through increased reward, as well as the opportunity of training and development, so that nurses can provide better services to patients. This is in accordance with the opinion of Randall 1991, that internal marketing is human resource management tool that can be used by organizations to successfully educate, train, and motivate employees to provide better service to customers. Organizational Culture The private hospital in Bengkulu City has had an organizational culture that well organized. The highest average scores are on innovation and risk-taking, where nurses are encouraged to always be innovative using new ideas and to always be creative using the new method. This condition is supported by a culture of attention to detail where nurses are required to always be right in the works and should be able to analyze problems that occur in the organization, so that the risk taken already-considered and the results and benefits is the best result. Lowest dimension in the dimension of the organizational culture of the team followed the cultural orientation on the orientation and competitive. It shows that the culture of the hospital focus on results, not on people. The private hospital needs to pay attention to the implementation of organizational culture, because the organization culture is very important for the organization and guide the everyday behavior that directs nurses. This is in as state Elliot Jacques in Robbins 2013 organizational culture is ordinary or traditional ways of thinking and doing something a little or a lot that is shared by all members of the organization and that must be learned by new members and at least partially accepted in order to be accepted become part of the company. In other words, organizational culture is a framework that guide everyday behavior and make decisions for employees and directing their actions to achieve organizational goals. Knowledge Management, Internal Marketing and Organizational Culture SEM results indicate that the internal marketing have positive and significant influence on organizational culture, and organizational culture have positive and significant influence on knowledge management. Internal marketing influence the knowledge management through mediating organizational culture.