Data Validity and Reliability

The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 173 The object of the research is the Regional General Hospital Hospital Cilacap. The population in this study were inpatients in hospitals and hospital employees in Cilacap. The size of the sample and the population can be determined by using the formula Slovin. The sampling technique for patients is done by sampling incidental according Sugiono 2007: 67, namely sampling technique based on chance, that anyone who happened incidental met with researchers can be used as a sample, if it is deemed the person who happened to be found suitable as a source of data. While the techniques used in the sampling of employees is a probability sample selection techniques, namely the selection of a simple random sample random sampling according Sugiono 2007: 64 that provides equal opportunity and are not limited to any element of the population to be selected as a sample.

b. Operational Definition of Variables

Variables in this study using the independent variables and the dependent variable. The independent variable in this study is the quality of public services X1, the quality of public services is the extent to which a public facility public in providing services to the public, and good public governance X2, which is a conception of democratic governance clean, and effectively in accordance with the ideals of the formation of a civil society. The dependent variable Y in this study was the performance of public hospitals, hospital performance is a picture of the extent to which the success or failure of a hospital in carrying out its duties and functions principally in order to realize the goals, objectives, vision, and mission.

c. Data

Data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data in this study are distributing questionnaires to patients and employees and secondary data in the form of literature and books.

d. Data Analysis Techniques

The analysis technique used in this study are regression and correlation. Regression analysis to determine the shape of the relationship between independent and dependent variables. While the correlation analysis aims to identify and find the relationship between variables.

8. Results

a. Validity and Reliability

1 Validity Measurements conducted to determine the validity of the accuracy and precision of the measuring instrument in carrying out the measurement task Singarimbun and Effendi, 1955. In this study the validity of the test was conducted to test whether each item question the variable quality of public ministry, good public Governace, and the performance of hospitals that are used as a measuring tool in the study really can mengungkapakan variables studied. Criterion validity testing is to compare the validity correlation r count with r product moment correlation table of 0.444 with α = 0.05. The calculations show that all the questions in the questionnaire items coined the sig 0.05, which means that the questions in the questionnaire are valid and can be used as a data collection tool. 2 Test Reliability Notoatmodjo 2005a stated that the reliability measurements indicate the extent to which the measuring instrument can be trusted or relied upon and continued to show the same accuracy when used repeatedly. Reliability tests performed to demonstrate whether it can provide the measurement results are relatively unchanged or inconsistent. If the measurements back to the same object. The results of the analysis will be reliable according Sugiono 1992 where r is bigger than r table is 0.60. Reliability value of the variable performance of the hospital of 0.827, 0.767 for service quality, public governance dangood of 0.727. Results of analysis shows that all variables have a value of α 0.6. Based on the results obtained can said that otherwise reliable measurement tool to be used as a data collection tool.

b. Statistics Deskripstif