The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia | 117 the survey are being conducted or have used E- Learning. Primary data collection was done by conducting interviews, observation and survey. 5.3.2 Secondary Data The Secondary Data consist of data matching data in the form of documents that already exist with regard to the application of E-Learning and data obtained from the literature review in the form of textbooks, journals, the internet, the results of earlier research. 5.4 Data Collection Techniques Form of research that will be used in this research using quantitative data analysis, statistics, interviews and survey approach. Kuantitafif statistics data analysis is used to examine the relationship of the variables research, by providing questionnaires to lecturer and students. Answers of the respondents to the questionnaire that was distributed later, used to measure the variables contained in the research model. Questionnaire types used are closed, meaning that the respondent must choose one of the answers that are already available in which the respondent will provide qualitative answers as measured by likert scale questionnaire for each question. Likert scale is a method of measuring attitude by stating his disapproval of the subject agree or object, or certain events Indriantoro and Supomo, 1999. Likert scale each question is measured with a scale interval of 1 to 5. Strongly disagree 1 score STS, Disagree TS score 2, neutral N score 3, Agree S score 4, strongly agree SS 5. The Data will be analyzed using SEM Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS Software version 16.0.


DEFINITIONS AND VARIABLES The variable in this study were classified into exogenous variables, variables are endogenous variables, and mediation. Exogenous variables consist of Information Quality of E-Learning, E-Learning System Quality, Service Quality E-Learning. Variable mediation consists of Intention To Use and User Satisfaction, and to endogenous variables is Net Benefit. The following are the operational definition of variables: Table. 1 Variable and Indicator Kode Variable dan Indicator Adoption from SQ System Quality SQ1 Ease of use Gable et al. 2008, McKinney et al. 2002 SQ2 System Flexibility Gable et al. 2008, Iivari 2005 SQ3 Response Time Livari 2005 SQ4 System Reliabilty Gable et al. 2008, Sedera and Gable 2004b SQ5 Navigation McKinney et al. 2002 SQ6 Sophistication Gable et al. 2008, Sedera and Gable 2004b SQ7 System features Gable et al. 2008, Sedera and Gable 2004b SQ8 System Security Hamilton dan Chervany 1981 IQ InformationQuality IQ1 Accuracy Gable et al. 2008, Iivari 2005 IQ2 Timeliness Gable et al. 2008, Iivari 2005 IQ3 Completeness Bailey and Pearson 1983, Iivari 2005 IQ4 Format Gable et al. 2008, Iivari 2005, Sedera and Gable 2004b IQ5 Reliability McKinney et al. 2002 IQ6 Availability Gable et al. 2008, Sedera and Gable 2004b IQ7 Usefulness McKinney et al. 2002 SV Service Quality SV1 Tangible Pit et al 1995 SV2 Service Reliability Pit et al 1995 SV3 Responsiveness Chang and King 2005 SV4 Assurance Pit et al 1995 SV5 Empathy Pit et al 1995 IU Intention To Use IU1 Frequency of use Almutairi and Subramanian 2005, Iivari 2005 IU2 Intention to reuse Davis 1989, Wang 2008 IU3 Dependence Wang Shee 2007 SU Satisfaction User SU1 Effectiveness Almutairi and Subramanian 2005 SU2 Enjoyment Gable et al. 2008 SU3 Information satisfaction Gable et al. 2008 SU4 System satisfaction Gable et al. 2008 SU5 Proudnes McGill et al., 2003 SU6 Overall Satisfaction Gable et al. 2008 NB Net Benefit NB1 Individual productivity Gable et al. 2008, Sedera and Gable 2004b NB2 Awareness Gable et al. 2008, Sedera and Gable 2004b NB3 Usefulness Davis 1989, Iivari 2005 NB4 Decision Effectiveness Almutairi and Subramanian 2005 NB5 Job E ffectiveness Davis 1989, Iivari 2005 NB6 Cost reduction Almutairi and Subramanian 2005, Gable et al.2008 NB7 Improved outcomesoutputs Gable et al. 2008, Sedera and Gable 2004b NB8 Competitive advantage Almutairi and Subramanian 2005, Sabherwal 1999 NB9 Quality Improvement Sabherwal 1999 NB10 Costumer Satisfaction Torkzadeh and Doll 1999


In the measurements used to assess the validity of a valid or invalid at least one questionnaire. A questionnaire as valid if the question of the questionnaire was able to reveal something that will be the measure by a questionnaire. According to Umar 2005, the validity test is a test that is used to indicate the extent to which a measuring device that is able to measure what you want to measure. Thus, the validity of the tests carried out to ensure that the measurement The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia | 118 results in accordance with what we want to measure. Test Validity done by looking at the output of the program AMOS AMOS is the Estimate by comparing P values with an alpha of 5 if the P value 0.05 was then declared invalid. Reliability test was conducted to test the interpretation of the respondents statement of grains contained in the instrument of consistency shown by the answers given. To determine whether the data is reliable or not it can be seen from the Cut-Off Value of contruct Reliability with the minimum provisions of 0.7 or views of Cut Off Value of Variance Extracted at least 0.5.


The variables in this study were classified into exogenous variables, mediating variables, and endogenous variables. Exogenous variables consist of Information Quality E-Learning, E-Learning System Quality, Service Quality of E-Learning. Mediating variables consisting of Intention To Use and User Satisfaction, and for the endogenous variables namely Net Benefit. The following is the operational definition of variables. Perhaps there is also a double instrumental variables as independent variable in a relationship, but became dependent on variables other relationships given the existence of a relationship of causality that is berjenjan. Each of the dependent and independent variable is a factor or invalid constructs can be built from a few variable indicators. Similarly among the variables that may take the form of a single variable in observation or measured directly in a process of research. Modeling by using SEM research refers to Ferdinand 2002. Table. 2 Goodness of Fit Indicates Goodness of Fit Index Cut Off Value X 2 chi square statistic df den gan α = 0,005 Significancy Probability ≥ 0,05 RMSEA ≤ 0,08 GFI ≥ 0,90 AGFI ≥ 0,90 CMINDF ≤ 2,00 TLI ≥ 0,95 CFI ≥0,95 Source : Hair, dkk Ferdinand, 2002