METHODS Method of Data Analysis Data analysis tool used in this study is Exploratory

The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia | 192 value system that is believed to be a habit and all members of the organization in interaction or employment relationship as a result of behavioral norms. Robbins 2013 states that organizational culture refers to a system of shared meaning held by members that distinguishes the organization from other organizations. Seven primary characteristics seem to capture the essence of an organization’s culture: 1. Innovation and risk taking. The degree to which employees are encouraged to be innovative and take risks. 2. Attention to detail. The degree to which employees are expected to exhibit precision, analysis, and attention to detail. 3. Outcome orientation. The degree to which management focuses on results or outcomes rather than on the techniques and processes used to achieve them. 4. People orientation. The degree to which management decisions take into consideration the effect of outcomes on people within the organization. 5. Team orientation. The degree to which work activities are organized around teams rather than individuals. 6. Aggressiveness. The degree to which people are aggressive and competitive rather than easygoing. 7. Stability. The degree to which organizational activities emphasize maintaining the status quo to growth. Internal Marketing and Knowledge Management Internal marketing promotes the establishment of outstanding relations between management and employees, and its goal is to increase employee satisfaction as well as innovative customers satisfaction. For internal marketing with a consciousness of organizational commitment and identity, it can also encourage employees to make effective innovations, dissemination, and applications of knowledge and also to take their internally stable knowledge and transform it into effective wisdom about knowledge management, which is favorable to organizations Lee Chen 2005. H1: Internal Marketing has a significant influence on knowledge management. Organizational Culture and Knowledge Management Recent studies have expressed considerable interest in knowledge management practices and organizational culture. Organizational culture exerts a powerful influence on how companies manage knowledge. This influence is manifested in many ways. First, culture shapes the assumptions about what knowledge is considered valuable and hence suitable for managing and exchanging. Second, culture defines the relationships between individuals and organizational knowledge. Third, culture creates the context for social interaction and determines how knowledge will be used in various given situations. Finally, culture shapes the processes by which new knowledge is created, legitimized, and distributed throughout organizations. The influence of organizational culture on the success of knowledge management is so strong that ‘‘shaping organizational culture is central for a firm’s ability to manage its knowledge more effectively’’ Durmusoglu et al 2013. Consistent with this literature, it is expected that H2: Organizational culture has a influence on knowledge management. Internal Marketing dan Organizational Culture Groonross 1990 suggest that internal marketing can change employees’ attitude and behaviors, and establish the corporate culture with customer service and satisfaction. In this research it is expected that H3: Internal marketing has a significant influence on organizational culture.


In accordance with the related literature, this study establish a conceptual framework to interpret the relationship between the key factors of knowledge management and factors that were hypothesized to be influencial, organizational culture, and internal marketing at Figure 1: H3 H2 H1 Figure 1. Conceptual Model This research is an explanatory research, that can explain the relationship between observation variables. In this study, observation variables consist of endogenous and exogenous variables. Exogenous variables include internal marketing, whereas the endogenous variable includes organizational culture and knowledge management. The relationship between exogenous and endogenous variables become a focus of this study. Moreover, this study is also wants to identifying the role of organizational culture as a mediating variable in the relationship between internal marketing and knowledge management. Internal Marketing - Training - Development - Communication - Reward - Satisfaction Organizational Culture - Innovation - Attention to detail - Outcome orientation - People orientation - Team orientation - Aggressiveness - Stability Knowledge Management - Knowledge acquisition - Knowledge creation - Knowledge utilization and sharing The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia | 193 Development of the Instrument The instrument contained the subscales of internal marketing IM, Organizational Culture OC, and knowledge management KM. Items were initially developed by consulting the relevant literature. Some modifications were made to suit this research context based on preliminary study to obtain an accurate representation of the measurement indicators. Given the latent character of the variables considered in this study, a five-point Likert scale was used for responses 1= strongly disagree and 5= strongly agree . Design, Sampling, and Participants This empirical study had a cross-sectional design. The survey was based on voluntary participation. All responses were anonymous, and the respondents and the researchers were not acquainted with each other. Questionnaires were distributed to 150 nurses working in three private hospital in the city of Bengkulu Raflesia Hospital, Tiara Sella Hospital and University of Muhamadiyah Medical Center, and 111 valid questionnaires were returned response rate: 74. The entire process of distribution and return was completed between September and October 2014. The participants of this research were all adult employees. The majority of subjects were 20-25 years old 48,60.0 and were female 68,5. Of these, 56,7 have working for 1-3 years, and 81,1 had a ColledgeD3 education Table 1. Tabel 1. Participant Demographic n=111 No Characteristic Number Persentase 1 Gender a. Male b. Female 35 76 31,5 68,5 2 Age years a. 20 - 25 b. 26 - 31 c. 32 – 37 53 47 10 48,6 42,3 9,1 3 Educational Level a. High School b. Colledge c. University 4 90 17 3,6 81,1 15,3 4 Tenure years a. 1 – 3 b. 4 – 6 c. 7 - 9 d. 10 – 12 e. 13 – 15 63 30 10 5 3 56,7 27,1 9,0 4,5 2,7 Data Analysis Methods Descriptive statistics including the mean M and standard deviation SD of each item and construct were generated . Data analysis was conducted using a Structural Equation Model SEM using software IMB SPSS AMOS 16. Two-step approach to structural equation modeling was used in this study because this study tested a model that has a lot of relationships between latent constructs simultaneously. The attractiveness of SEM stems from the following: 1 it provides a straightforward method of dealing with multiple relationships simultaneously while providing statistical efficiency; 2 it has the ability to assess the relationships among laten variables;3 it has the ability to assess the relationship comprehensively and provides a transition from exploratory to confirmatory analysis. In a two-step approach to SEM, the measurement model was first estimated and then fixed in the second stage when the structural model was estimated Anderson and Gerbing, 1988; Purwanto, 2003. Structual model in this study using a composite score on each of the latent variables were measured. There were several reasons for using composite scores as indicators rather than individual items as indicators of the laten variables. First, there were software computing limitations and difficulties fitting models with to many manifest indicators. Second, composite score enabled the researcher to represent several variables by a single indicator that reduced the difficulties of dealing with complex data. Finally, when dealing with moderate sample size, as the case of the study, a parsimonious estimation strategy was necessary. Utilization of composite scores reduced the number of parameters to be estimated and yielded an acceptable variable-to- sample size ratio Garbarino and Johnson, 1999; Hair et al., 1998; Purwanto, 2003. Validity and Reliability of the Instrument One hundred eleven 111 questionnaires represented three latent constructs for this study. After reversed scores were adjusted, items representing the constructs and dimensions were subjected to reliability and validity tests. This study used composite items from each dimension of variable. The validity and reliability test of each variable represented by each dimension using composite scores. From the results of tests carried out showed that one of the four dimensions of internal marketing does not significantly represented internal marketing variable, so this dimension is eliminated from the data. Further, five of the seven dimensions of service culture are also do not significantly represented service culture variable. Because this study using composite score from each indicator, the multidimensional construct of each variable in the model is considered as an indicator. Reliability After purification of the model, the next stages is reliability testing, basically reliability test indicates the extent to which the measuring instrument which can provide relatively similar results when measured again on the same subject. Test reliability in SEM can be obtained through the following formula Ferdinand, 2002 Description:  Standard loading is obtained from the results of the standardized loading for each indicator is obtained through the computer count.  ΣEj is the measurement error of each indicator; measurement error can be obtained 1-reliability The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia | 194 indicators. Variable said to be reliable if it has an alpha reliability coefficient of 0.5 or more. Table 1 below shows the reliability test results. Table 1. Reliability Test Variable ∑ƛi ∑€i Construct reliability Internal Marketing 5.2258 1.86658 0.736819 Organizational culture 7.19312 1.9181 0.789479 Knowledge management 5.45223 0.79791 0.872338 Based on the results of these calculations, because there is no construct reliability value whose value is below 0.50 then all constructs used in this study feasible. Discriminant Validity Test The size of individual reflexive as valid if it has a value of loading factor ƛ with latent variables wishing measured ≥ 0.5, if one indicator has a value factor ƛ ≤ 0.5, the indicator indicates that it was issued because the indicator is not enough good to measure latent variables appropriately. Table 2. Validity Test Variable AVE  AVE Internal Marketing 0.485838 0.697021 Organizational Culture 0.485718 0.696935 Knowledge Management 0.697763 0.835322 Discriminate validity testing using ST values is done by comparing the root of the AVE value of each construct with the correlations between constructs with other constructs. AVE values should be greater than 0.5 Hair et al, 1998. Table 2 shows that the value of the root of the AVE of each construct was greater with the correlation between the constructs with other constructs. It can be concluded the data in this study have good discriminant validity. Structural Model Analysis of hypothesis testing criteria of goodness of fit of the estimated structural models can be met; the next step is an analysis of the structural relationships hypothesis testing as shown in Figure 2, the relationship between the constructs indicated by the regression weight Hair et al, 1998, in Haryono and hartjo 2010. To analyze more clearly the influence of internal marketing, organizational culture and knowledge management in private hospital in Bengkulu can be seen in Table 3. Table 3. SEM Result Structural Relation Estimate C.R P Structural Relation Estimate C.R P BO --- IM .590 5.289 0.000 KM --- BO .975 4.648 0.000 KM --- IM -.030 -.190 0.849 Chi-square 28.299 Probabilitas level 0.166 CMINDF 1.286 CFI 0.983 RMSEA 0.051 TLI 0.979 GFI 0.942 AGFI 0.905 Single Composite Score Indicator In Table 3 above shows that the value of CMIN DF, RMSEA, CFI, GFI and TLI in accordance with the criteria, although the value of AGFI is at marginal value, but according to Hair et al 1998 if the value of AGFI approaching the recommended value, then the value is deserved to be nominated. It is clear that after a single composite score on the model, the resulting model is fit enough and fit for use. The result of SEM at Figure 2. Figure 2: The Result of SEM The result show that internal marketing have significant influence toward organizational culture, and have influence to knowledge management. Internal marketing must throug organizational culture to influence knowledge management, it can say that have fully mediating for knowledge management.