Epitemology City Branding Positioning

The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23,UMY,Indonesia 78 The existence of small and medium enterprises SMEs in developing countries can be considered as the backbone of the countrys economy. Proved the existence of SMEs have been able to move the nations economy and reduce unemployment there. Although the SME has some limitations, but in fact they are able to compete with other companies. At the time of deteriorating economic conditions and many large companies are threatened with bankruptcy, the SMEs to survive. Reality shows the strength of the SMEs. SMEs strength arises when applying entrepreneurial vision that SMEs are able to bring the company to grow and expand and gain increased profitability. At this time the success of SMEs to enhance the companys growth is highly dependent on the ability of entrepreneurial owners. Only the owner who has a strong entrepreneurial orientation are able to bring improvements for the company. The inability of the owner to maintain the strength to face the challenge it will affect the decline in performance and failure of the company Hill and McGowan, 1999. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation with an intervening variable capabilitiies networking flexibility in improving business performance . This study also their background research gap between entrepreneurial orientation with business performance. There are some researchers found that the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation with a significant and positive business performance Hult, Snow Kandemir, 2003; Wiklund Shepherd, 2005, but there are researchers who discovered the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation to performance and do not have a significant negative correlation Lumpkin Dess, 2001; Ana Lisboa, 2010. Based on the background, the purpose of research and risep gap the research problem: How to build a model of flexibility networking capabilities to improve business performance?


2.1. Epitemology

of flexibility networking capabilities Learning organization is known in the business and management literature. But there is no universal definition of a learning organization. Some definitions refer to the action-oriented activities and focus on implementation, which is a concrete approach and determine Dill, 1999; Tsang, 1997. Garvin 2000 defines organizational learning as organizational skills to create, acquire, interpret, transfer and sharing of knowledge, which is aimed at modifying its behavior to describe the knowledge and new insights. Meanwhile, according to Taylor organizational learning is an opportunity given to employees so that the organization becomes more efficient Luthans, 1995. A learning organization in several ways. Dixon, 1994 and Pearn et al. 1995 stated that the learning organization emphasizes the use of the learning process in the level of individuals, groups and systems to transform the organization into various ways that can improve the satisfaction of stakeholders. Kim 1993 emphasizes the importance of the relationship between individual learning with organizational learning by stating that .... The organization mainly learn from members of the organization. Individual learning and organizational learning are inseparable. Organizations learn through individuals that are part of the organization. People employed because it has the competence or knowledge, which they get from their work or from any formal training. Formal education is one way to improve the ability of individuals and organizations that have benefited from the various activities of individuals educated. Based on this view, learning is a phenomenon in which an organization to benefit from organization members are skilled, flexible nature always adjust the environment; originality of thought, current thinking. Today, individual learning does not guarantee organizational learning, but learning organization is not going to happen without individual learning Garvin, 2000; Kim, 1993. A company to be able to achieve its objectives in addition oriented to organizational learning that people - people who are involved in the company have appropriate knowledge of their field - each is needed is also a marketing relationship with the other party so that the products are sold in accordance with market needs. Kotler 2000 states build relationships with consumers also built based on long-term relationships that satisfy the other parties, such as suppliers, distributors and others in order to maintain the preferences and their long-term business, the main function is covering all steps company to know and serve their customers well. Winer 2001 relationship marketing as a strategy to build a good relationship with the customer in the long term by combining the ability to respond instantly to serve customers. The emergence of thought in the direction of relationship marketing is an integrated effort to identify, maintain and build networks network with individual consumers. The network continues to be strengthened in order to provide benefits to both parties through interactive contact, individual and provide added value for the long term Berry 1983; Becker and Homburg 1999. The network continues to be strengthened in order to provide benefits to both parties through interactive contact, individual and provide added value for the long term Berry 1983; Becker and and Homburg 1999. Based on the description above can be made The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23,UMY,Indonesia 79 epistemology of flexibility networking capabilities, as shown in Figure 1. Figure : 1 Based on Figure 1 above can be explained on the proposition flexibility networking capabilities is the companys performance can be achieved if the joint marketing produce long-term relationship with the companys competitors, suppliers, customers who are flexible based on the mutual commitment to building relationships, efforts to develop a partnership in various areas of potential , optimizing profits by always doing continuous innovation and focus, adhere to maintain a predetermined agreement. 2.2. Flexibility networking capabilities Study Gulati, Nohria, Zaheer, 2000, the Network is a variable that is considered important for all types of companies, particularly with regard to the fact that the economic environment is becoming increasingly competitive. Networks are becoming increasingly important because it allows companies to access information, resources, markets and technology. Malecki, 1997, Information and social networking is considered essential for the formation of the company and to the success and sustainability of the company. Although all the companies taking part in formal and informal networks, larger companies are more likely to make long-term cooperation contract, while smaller companies tend to involve himself in a more personal contract personal and more are mutual reciprocal . Study Hakansson 1997 is important for the company network consists of four areas: managerial area important for the company in determining the strategy associated with other organizations, entrepreneurship, technology development networks can enrich and prevent development and to areas with customer relationship . Such networks can rely on personal contact and trust between individuals and can menyajikansumberdaya complement and reduce the risk of opportunistic behavior and reduce transaction costs Granovotter, 1985. Models of regional innovation systems developed to explain anything that could create innovative behavior among economic actors, managers and employees, and the mix of companies and institutions and structural connection between the two is necessary to stimulate innovation behavior Braczyk, Cook Heidenreich eds., 1996. Many studies indicate that this kind of environment enrich the innovation and development company Isaksen ed. 1997. 2.3. Entrepreneur orientation Study Weerawerdeena 2003, entrepreneurship is the ability of creative and innovative as the basis, and resources to find opportunities for success. Kottler 2000, entrepreneurial marketing is an integrated concept that the era of change as it is today. Morris and Lewis 2002 Entrepreneurial Marketing is an activity proactively identify achieving and maintaining customer benefits through innovative approaches to risk management, the effectiveness of the resources, and the development of value. Study Lumpkin and Dess 1996 and Wiklund and Shepherd 2005 entrepreneurial orientation and organizational culture is closely linked to the process of formulating a strategy that will provide a basis for decision-making and implementation of the organizations business. Study Koh et al., 2007 entrepreneurial orientation plays an important role in improving business performance. Millers study 1983 revealed that the entrepreneurial orientation into a meaning that can be acceptable in light of business performance. Study Lumpkin and Dess, 1996, entrepreneurial orientation refers to the processes, practices, and decision-making that led to the new input and has three aspects of entrepreneurship, that is willing to take risks, to act proactively and always innovative. Risk-taking entrepreneur is an attitude that involves a willingness to commit resources. Koh et al. 2002, to the challenge to exploit the business strategy likely outcome uncertainty. Proactive reflects the willingness of entrepreneurs to dominate competitors through a combination of aggressive and motion. Proactive, such as introducing new production services on top of the competition and activities for the upcoming demand anticipate in creating change and shape the Creative individu Csikszentmihalyi 1999 Flexibility; Originality of thought, Smoothness think Organizational Learning Senge, 1990 Knowledge individu Nonaka Takeuchi 1995 Relationship Marketing Berry 1983 Interaction Relationship Networking Flexibility networking capabilities The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23,UMY,Indonesia 80 environment. Innovative refers to the attitude of entrepreneurs who engage creatively in the process of trial of the new ideas that allow generating new production methods to produce new products or services, both for the market now and into new markets. Study Wiklund, 1999 entrepreneurial orientation is closely related to the prime mover advantage that an entrepreneur has the opportunity to take advantage and the emergence of these opportunities eventually positive effect on business performance. Study Covin and Slevin 1991; Wiklund 1999, states that the higher entrepreneurial orientation can enhance the companys ability to market its products to the better business performance. Therefore, companies are increasingly innovative, proactive, and dare to take risks tend to be able to perform better business. 2.4. Market orientation Study Lukas and Ferrell 2000 Market orientation is a process of generating and providing market information for the purpose of creating superior value for consumers. Narver can Slater 1990 Market orientation is an orientation that focuses on the concept of value creation - a high value for the consumer. Market orientation as a single dimensional construct consisting of three components of behavior, ie, customer orientation, competitor orientation and coordination between intra-company functions. Study Narver Slater, 1990. Customer orientation is an adequate understanding of the target buyers, so superior value can be administered continuously - constantly . Comprehension covers the entire value chain of buyers, both now and in the future development. Thorough understanding of the value chain can be achieved through a buyers acquisition of information about customers and knowledge of the political and economic barriers faced by every level within the distribution channel. Thorough understanding of the seller to make anyone understand its potential customers, both at present and in future, what they want now and in the next moment, and what is perceived today as well as what they might feel when that will come. Competitor orientation is understanding the strengths and weaknesses of short-term and long-term capabilities and strategies of potential competitors Narver Slater, 1990. Competitor orientation has a strong relationship with the customer orientation in terms collection includes information and thorough analysis of the technological capabilities of competitors in an effort to measure the ability of competitors to satisfy buyers target Narver Slater, 1990. Basically competitor orientation focuses on the following three questions: 1 any of our competitors? 2 technology what they have to offer? 3 whether they offer an attractive alternative in our customer mala? Slater Narver, 1994. Coordination between intra-company functions in a coordinated manner to reflect the utilization of all resources in the enterprise real in order to create superior value for buyers target Narver Slater 1990, enterprise resource integration coordinated closely related to customer and competitor orientation where coordination is built by information obtained through the utilization of resources and coordinated, information is distributed to all parts of the organization concerned. Next Narver Slater 1990 argued that the conditions for coordination between functions can be run effectively and their responsiveness and sensitivity to the needs of each department of the department - the other departments within the company.

2.5. Business performance The main source for the company to achieve