Relations Public Service and Good Quality of Operational Definition of Variables

The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 172 efficiency and quality. Hospital management is a management environment that is not static, but dynamic thing so necessary adaptations or adjustments in the event of a change in the hospital, which includes the resources, processes and activities of the hospital, also in case of change outside the hospital, such as changes in law and knowledge caused by technological developments. Various benefits that can be obtained when implementing an environmental management system is the most important hospital environmental protection and public health. Specifications hospital management will provide an outline of environmental management designed for all aspects, operations, products, and services of the hospital in an integrated and intertwined with each other Adisasmito, 2007.

6. Mindset and Impairment Hypothesis

a. Relationship between Quality of Public Services by Hospital Performance In research Church, 1995 in Fauzie 2004, which discusses the relationship between leadership behavior on the performance of services has resulted in findings that leadership behavior in work directly affect the quality of service and the improvement of service quality as expected then this will affect the performance of the organization. Based on the framework and the results of previous research, the first hypothesis is: H1: The quality of public services affect the performance of hospitals in Cilacap

b. The relationship between Good Public

Governance GPG with Hospital Performance According to Xiaonian,, 2000 in Purwani 2008 shareholders is currently very active in reviewing the performance of the company because they assume that good corporate governance is better will give higher yields in return for them. The implementation of good corporate governance focuses on the process of risk management and internal controls will effectively improve the performance and competitiveness and creativity that the value of the company will be able to achieve the desired goal. While other researchers, Budiman 2004 revealed that the application of EVA economic value added as an indicator of financial performance is very appropriate hospital and supports the principles contained in the Good Corporate Governance GCG. EVA as an indicator of the performance of the company, can be used as a gate in the cause of advancing corporate governance in Indonesia. Based on the framework and the results of previous research, the second hypothesis is: H2: Good public governance affect the performance of hospitals in Cilacap

c. Relationship between Quality of Public Services

with Good Public Governance GPG Bureaucratic reforms led to a paradigm shift bureaucracy and public sector management Mardiasmo, 2002: 27. Thus, the expected bureaucratic reform in public organizations to create good governance and excellent service Nurcholis, 2007: 301-302. Thus, the creation of good governance and improved quality of service to the public on public sector organizations, is expected to create user satisfaction Pandiangan, 2008: 91. Based on the framework and the results of previous research, the third hypothesis is: H3: There is a relationship between the quality of public services with good public governance in Cilacap District Hospital

d. Relations Public Service and Good Quality of

Public Governance at Hospital Performance Research conducted by Mulyawan 2009 states, the implementation of good governance together with the performance of the service has a relationship with the performance of the service user satisfaction. The same opinion is also supported in the research Ikbal 2012. Research Theresia 2008 also revealed the implementation of good corporate governance can improve the performance and image of the tax authorities, which in turn creates a user satisfaction. Based on the framework and the results of previous studies, the hypothesis 4 is: H4: the quality of public services together with good public governance on the performance of hospitals berpengruh Cilacap Research Framework Model: Figure 1: Framework 7. Methods a. Objects, Sample and Population The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 173 The object of the research is the Regional General Hospital Hospital Cilacap. The population in this study were inpatients in hospitals and hospital employees in Cilacap. The size of the sample and the population can be determined by using the formula Slovin. The sampling technique for patients is done by sampling incidental according Sugiono 2007: 67, namely sampling technique based on chance, that anyone who happened incidental met with researchers can be used as a sample, if it is deemed the person who happened to be found suitable as a source of data. While the techniques used in the sampling of employees is a probability sample selection techniques, namely the selection of a simple random sample random sampling according Sugiono 2007: 64 that provides equal opportunity and are not limited to any element of the population to be selected as a sample.

b. Operational Definition of Variables

Variables in this study using the independent variables and the dependent variable. The independent variable in this study is the quality of public services X1, the quality of public services is the extent to which a public facility public in providing services to the public, and good public governance X2, which is a conception of democratic governance clean, and effectively in accordance with the ideals of the formation of a civil society. The dependent variable Y in this study was the performance of public hospitals, hospital performance is a picture of the extent to which the success or failure of a hospital in carrying out its duties and functions principally in order to realize the goals, objectives, vision, and mission.

c. Data