Validity Testing Research Variables Reliability Test

The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 60 attitudes and intentions constructs. Normality test results for all three constructs showed that the three constructs normally distributed. This is indicated by the significance of the value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk for all indicators of the three constructs.

4.4. Validity Testing Research Variables

This study performed validity and reliability test for all of the constructs used in the model. Instruments used in this study were developed through scale purification steps. Those steps included validity and reliability test. The measurement then repeated using the final participants from the main experimental stage. Validity test included construct, convergence and discriminant validity. Those steps performed used factor analysis. Results of the final factor analysis showed KMO value of 0.892 or greater than 0.7 Nancy et al., 2005 which indicates an adequate number of item for each factor. These results indicate that the correlation matrix is adequate for extracted and correlated with significant value of 0.000. Number of factors was determine as 6 factors. Test results indicate the presence of 5-dimensional attitude formed and has more than 0.4 loading factor is the dimension of evaluation 11 items, confidence 6 items, perceived scarcity 3 items, aversion 3 items, perceived risk 4 items, and intentions 7 items. The study also tested the convergence validity of using iteration varimax method. Results showed all the indicators meet the loading factor criteria 0.4. The results also showed one of the five dimensions of attitudes, ie; reluctance have to be removed because it did not meet the loading factor criteria. The results of four dimensions are: evaluation 9 items, beliefs 5 items, perceived scarcity 2 items and risk perceived 4 items as well as the dimensions of intention 7 items. Discriminant validity testing was performed to test whether two or more constructs were tested are different and each is an independent construct. Results of convergence validity also shows that the attitudes and intentions constructs have good discriminant validity.

4.5. Reliability Test

This study examined the reliability to measure the degree of consistency between the indicator. Reliability test were performed using Cronbach Alpha method. Results of reliability testing for NFC, attitudes and intentions constructs showed the cronbach Alpha for each construct is: NFC 0,805; Attitude 0,895; Intention 0,897. Based on the criteria of minimum value of Cronbach Alpha of 0.6, it can be concluded that all of the constructs are reliable.

4.6. Research Hypothesis Testing