The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia | 97 QUAL .11 COM COMIT TRUST x1.1 .50 e1 1.00 1 x1.2 .38 e2 1.39 1 x1.3 .34 e3 1.64 1 x1.4 .57 e4 .82 1 x3.7 .45 e16 1.00 1 x3.6 .48 e15 1.13 1 x3.5 .32 e14 1.16 1 x3.4 .69 e13 .95 1 x3.3 .56 e12 .98 1 x3.2 .55 e11 1.11 1 x3.1 1.07 e10 1.52 1 y1.1 .32 e17 1.00 1 y1.2 .33 e18 1.12 1 y1.3 .39 e19 1.07 1 y1.4 .46 e20 1.13 1 5.02 .03 -.53 .21 .02 .72 3.50 z1 1 .13 z3 1 .18 z2 1 y1.5 .92 e21 .74 1 Chi-squares=345.671 df=171 prob=.000 GFI=.865 AGFI=.817 TLI=.898 RMSEA=.071 emp 2.78 e9 1.00 1 ass 2.02 e8 .87 1 res 2.95 e7 1.03 1 rel 3.23 e6 1.05 1 tan 4.29 e5 .64 1 .45 .10 .13 .18 -.35 -.15 -.10 -.06 .51 .05 -.18 .22 .10 COM X1.1 .51 e1 1.00 1 X1.2 .39 e2 1.40 1 X1.3 .31 e3 1.77 1 X1.4 .56 e4 .90 1 QUAL EMP 2.69 e9 1.00 1 ASS 1.98 e8 .87 1 RES 2.99 e7 1.03 1 REL 3.36 e6 1.04 1 TRUST COMMIT .39 z2 .53 z3 3.81 z1 4.96 .62 -.73 1 .29 .20 1 1 TAN 4.36 e5 1 .63 .08 Chi-square=56.671 df=40 p=.042 GFI=.954 AG|FI=.924 TLI=.977 RMSEA=.046 Commitment X 2 = a0 + β 1 X 1 + e X 3 = a1 + β 2 X 1 + β 3 X 2 + e Y = a2 + β 4 X 1 + β 5 X 2 + β 6 X 3 + e


Cross section in the collection of data that will be used to test the hypothesis that six interconnected. Data were obtained through a survey method, interviews and the literature or publications related to the topic under study. While the sources of data used comes from the primary data and secondary data. The type of data that is used is qualitative data ordinal data stated in an interval scale Likert scale. Population in this research were all students UNISBANK Semarang. Sampling is done by proportional stratified sampling. Criteria for sample strata is UNISBANK students to study levels of D3 and regular S1, D3 and transfer S1, and S2, with sample sizes ranging from 100 to 200 that generate significant difference. Variable effectiveness of communication, trust and Relationship Commitment was measured using a questionnaire developed by Sharma and Patterson 2000. Variable quality of service is measured by a questionnaire developed Lassar, Manolis and Winsor 2000. Analysis and testing data using SEM Structural Equation Model which is run by the program AMOS. Hypotheses that have been developed, which later developed into a graphical model and formed structural equation model Structural Equation Model SEM. Use of this SEM is due to its ability to display a comprehensive model along with the ability to measure the influence between factors theoretically exist. Therefore SEM is usually viewed as a combination of factor analysis and regression analysis, and of course can be applied separately only in the factor analysis ie Confirmatory Factor Analysis or only in the regression analysis.


Respondents are students UNISBANK Semarang, the number of respondents is 202 people, who were taken by proportional stratified sampling, with the following composition: D3 S1 S2 Total Number of Sample Reguler Transfer Reguler Transfer 24 4 104 40 From the results of data processing with AMOS program showed the following results: Figure-2 Strucural Model AMOS computational models based on SEM, in Table 1, the evaluation criteria of goodness - of - fit as follows: Table-1 Criteria of Evaluation Goodness – Of – Fit The above table shows that the criteria used to have 1 good value and 5 the margin, therefore, this model can not be accepted because there are many who have a margin criteria. To get better results, especially in the goodness of fit of the model, then made some changes to the initial structural models. Changes were made to alter the confidence trust and variable connectivity commitments commit be the observed variables. Research model changes appear in the image below: No Criteria Result Model Critical Value Estimated Model 1 Chi Square 345,671 Small Margin 2 Probability 0,000 ≥ 0,05 Margin 3 GFI 0,865 ≥ 0,9 Margin 4 TLI 0,898 ≥ 0,95 Margin 5 RMSEA 0,071 ≤ 0,08 Good 6 AGFI 0,817 ≥ 0,9 Margin The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia | 98 Figure-3 Structural Model Changes AMOS computational models based on SEM, in Table 2, the evaluation criteria of goodness - of - fit as follows: AMOS computational models based on SEM, in Table 2, the evaluation criteria of goodness - of - fit as follows: Table -2 Criteria of Evaluation Goodness – Of – Fit Table 2 above shows that the criteria used to generate 1 margin value, therefore, in general this model is acceptable .. Thus it can be stated that this test produces a good confirmation on dimension - the dimension of factors and relationships - a causal relationship between factors. 5.1 Hypothesis Testing Based on AMOS computational hypothesis testing appears in Table 3 as follows: Table-3 Hypothesis Testing Result Regression Weights Causalities Relation Estimate Std. Estimate S.E. C.R. P QUAL --- COM 4.958 0.631 1.143 4.337 TRUST --- QUAL 0.292 0.738 0.033 8.973 TRUST --- COM 0.199 0.064 0.268 0.744 0.457 COMMIT --- TRUST 0.62 0.62 0.091 6.848 COMMIT --- COM -0.728 -0.234 0.329 -2.214 0.027 COMMIT --- QUAL 0.084 0.211 0.045 1.863 0.062 The test results in Table 3 indicate that the pathways are analyzed showed a significant causal relationship, but the path to TRUST COM communication effectiveness affect the trust and QUAL path to COMMIT quality of service affect the Relationship Commitment. It is seen from the path coefficients standardized estimate and the estimate with a CR value greater than ± 2.0 or level of significance P test the hypothesis that less than 5. Further description of hypothesis testing in research, described as follows: a. Communication Effectiveness influence on the Quality of Service The first hypothesis proposed in this study is the effectiveness of communication significant positive effect on the quality of service. In Table 3 shows the magnitude of the path coefficients standardized estimate and the estimate with a value of CR = 4,337 greater than ± 2.0 or level of significance P test the hypothesis that less than 5. Therefore the proposed hypothesis is accepted. b. Communication Effectiveness influence on Trust The second hypothesis proposed in this study is the effectiveness of communication significant positive effect on trust. In Table 3 shows the magnitude of the path coefficients standardized estimate and the estimate with a value of CR = 0744 which is less than ± 2.0 or level of significance P test the hypothesis that greater than 5. Therefore the proposed hypothesis is not accepted. c. Influence Communication Effectiveness against Relationship Commitment The third hypothesis proposed in this study is the effectiveness of communication significant positive effect on the Relationship Commitment. In Table 3 shows the magnitude of the path coefficients standardized estimate and the estimate with a value of CR = -2214 greater than ± 2.0 or level of significance P test the hypothesis that less than 5. Therefore the proposed hypothesis is accepted. d. Effect of Quality of Service of the Trust The fourth hypothesis proposed in this study is the quality of service significant positive effect on trust .. In Table 3 shows the magnitude of the path coefficients standardized estimate and the estimate with a value of CR = 8973 which is greater than ± 2.0 or level of significance P test the hypothesis that less than 5. Therefore the proposed hypothesis is accepted. e. Influence of the Quality of Service Relationship Commitment The fifth hypothesis proposed in this study is a significant positive effect of service quality on the Relationship Commitment. In Table 3 shows the magnitude of the path coefficients standardized estimate and the estimate with a value of CR = 1,863 less than ± 2.0 or level of significance P test the hypothesis that greater than 5. Therefore the proposed hypothesis is No Criteria Result Model Critical Value Estim ated Model 1 Chi Square 56.671 Small Good 2 Probability 0,042 ≥ 0,05 Margi n 3 GFI 0,954 ≥ 0,9 Good 4 TLI 0,977 ≥ 0,95 Good 5 RMSEA 0,046 ≤ 0,08 Good 6 AGFI 0,924 ≥ 0,9 Good The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia | 99 accepted.

f. Effect of Commitment Confidence Connectedness