Validity The main objective validity and reliability is to test

The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia | 41 Description: PA = sales adaptive, SRQ = selling relationship quality, CO = customer orientation, LO = Learning Orientation, LO = Learning Orientation, ID = Salesperson performance


The pharmaceutical industry was chosen as the context of our study, because the pharmaceutical industry has developed rapidly. The level of awareness about the health of the higher. It can be seen there are increasing number of sales centers and pharmacies. The strategy used in business negotiations becomes very important, and individual sales approach into one solution, because each customer is to have the character and the level of its own uniqueness Ramendra Singh and Das, 2013. Increasing number of retail stores and pharmacies drug resulted in increasingly fierce competition, it takes good quality sales relationship Oboreh et al ,, 2011; Qiong Wang et al ,, 2008; Wathne, 2008. Data for this study were collected by using a questionnaire surve of salespeople pharmaceuticals in Yogyakarta. The sales force is taken from several pharmaceutical companies have factories or branches in Yogyakarta. Respondents was given at random. Respondents are given a questionnaire that respondents with awareness and voluntarily fill out questionnaires to 210 pharmaceutical sales force. However, the data are processed and further analyzed only 190 questionnaires 91. Data were collected between June and August 2014. The average age of respondents was 25 years. Average experience in sales of 5.2 years. All respondents with a university degree and diploma III.


We use a small sample to perform a pre-test. The purpose of the pretest is to Accomplish the indicators are not valid. In the end through all valid and worthy indicators used to collect research data. A five-point scale ranging liqueur from 1 strongly disagree till by 5 strongly agree, is used for all indicator variables. All these calculations are provided in the appendix Table-1 specify a source such as all now. Cronbach alpha values for all measurements in the range of 0.77 to 0.80, this may indicate that a high level of reliability. Table-2, shows a correlation, mean, standard deviation, and Cronbach reliability for all measurements.


5.2 Validity The main objective validity and reliability is to test

whether the instrument is valid and reliable. Validity is a measure that indicates that the level of validity or validity of something instruments. Validity of the questionnaire is the ability to express something that will be measured. Reliability is something fairly reliable instrument to be used as a means of collecting data for the instrument is good. Questionnaire respondents said to be reliable if the answers is consistent to the questions posed. Indicator An instrument is validity if the instruments capable of measuring what should be measured. High and low validity of the instrument indicates the extent to which the questionnaire was able to collect the data of the measured variable. Test the validity of the test grains by using factor analysis is to determine the grouping factor loading of each item into a variable. Hair JR et al ,, 2010 provide criteria for significant of factor loading as follows: less than 0.3 belong to its significant, less than 0.4 including more significant, and at least 0.5 including very significant. An indicator can be used as a measurement of a variable, if the indicator has a loading factor of at least 0.5. In addition to a valid instrument but also must be reliable. Reliability test is meant to test the consistency of a measuring instrument. Consistency can be seen from the consistency of the results or data obtained from respondents in two different places, or two different groups. An indicator or can be said to be reliable if the item has a minimum threshold value of 0.6 Solimun, 2007. For exploratory research, the coefficient below 0.6 is acceptable with no record of empirical reasons acceptable. Reliability can also be measured from the variance extracted. Variance extracted is the number of variants of indicators summarized by latent variables studied. Acceptable variance extracted values 0.5. The higher the variance extracted values indicate that these indicators are representative of variables or constructs that is developed. 5.2 Results analysis The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia | 42 Measurement model was tested by using AMOS. All items construct the measurement model shows the loading factor above 0.6. All items are used to measure this construct can be known significant of convergen validity: t-value of 0.4. The model in this study is good enough can be indicated from RMSEA = 0.049; NFI = 0.99; and 55 in the path of this research model is significant. No modification indices high value, so that it can indicate that the overall model of the hypothesis. Table 2 presents the complete standardized coefficient estimates and t-values for each lane contained in this hypothesis. These items are not significantly removed in the model, then reprocessed only for the items eligible for analysis. Probability = 0,00; Standard RMSEA = 0.048; NNFI = 0.99. The ability of listening skills can influence the performance of the sales force by 81; adaptive selling 23, = 40 customer orientation, learning orientation = 30. Based on the results of this analysis can be explained that the general structure of the model accurately hypothesis can explain the relationship between variables. 5.3 Validity and Reliability Validity is the ability of a measuring instrument questionnaire to measure what should be measured. Reliability is the consistency of measuring instruments used. Said to be reliable because the tool produces almost the same results even if used in different times or by different respondents. Test confirmatory factor analysis done to eliminate grains invalid. Ferdinand, 2013; Faith Widodo, 2011; Singgih Santoso, 2011. 5.4 Assessment of normality Multivariate test data as a condition of assumptions that must be met by maximum likelihood. Here pieces AMOS output. Table 1 Normality evaluation is done by using the criteria skewnes critical ratio value equal to ± 2.58. Based on the critical value of skewness skewness for all variables are critical ratio between the limits specified, at a significance level of 1, and DAPT is said that the data is the data in this study are multivariate normal distribution.

5.5 Evaluation of Outliers. Outliers is the condition of observation of the data that