RESEARCH CONCLUSIONS, Research Hypothesis Testing

The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 63 Chatterjee et al., 2000 tend to show the effect of the interaction between the NFC with a message framing. The third hypothesis testing results indicated that attitude predict behavioral intention. Meanwhile, the attitude does not predict behavior. Compilation of the results of the linear regression testing concluded that, positive attitudes predict intentions, based on hierarchical linear regression test results and positive intentions predict behavior based on the results of logistic regression testing. This finding is consistent with the majority of attitude theory which states that individuals behavior can be predicted from attitudes The findings of this study indicate that intention is able to mediate attitude-behavior relationship. These findings indicate that the formation of attitudes and commitment to conduct electrical energy saving is very important to create electrical energy saving behavior among young adults. But the findings of this research can not be the benchmark that the formation of attitudes and intentions will automatically change young adults in energy consumption behavior as the behavior measurement proxy used is still simple and because of the tendency of resistance to energy conservation message from previous research, such as stated by Hutton 1982 above. Additionally, Martiskainen 2007 also stated that resistance to persuasive attempts to conserve energy is because of behavior is a complex combination of emotions, morals, customs, social factors and normative values, thus changing behavior is a major challenge. Martiskainen own studies found no significant results in their studies because of the limitations their experimental design no random assignment of subjects.


CONTRIBUTIONS AND FUTURE IMPLICATIONS Results of this study show that no statistical supports for the differential persuasion effects of framed messages. There were no difference in attitudes between participants who received negative and positive framed messages about performing electricity energy saving behavior. These findings indicate that message framing message does not give differential persuasion effect when the subject has a low involvement with the message content. Results of interaction effects testing also do not provide support for NFC moderation effect. NFC does not strengthen the effects of message framing on paticipant’s attitude toward electricity saving behavior. However, this study indicates that the difference in attitudes towards electricity energy saving behavior influenced by differences in NFC of the subject. The results of this study showed that subjects with high NFC scores have a better attitude towards electricity energy saving than subjects with low NFC scores. These findings indicate that attitudes towards framed message in low-risk behaviors context differ according to the level of NFC. Testing of mediation effect of intention on attitude behavior relationship show significant statistical support. These findings indicate that the willingness to perform low-risk behavior will be preceded by the formation of intention to behave. While the intention to behave comes from the formation of attitudes towards such behavior. This has a contribution related with theory integration testing. Results indicate that integration of prospect theory and theory of individual differences characteristics are not statistically supported in low-risk behavior context and in situations where the subject has had initial beliefs about the issue presented. Eagly and Chaiken 1984 revealed that the two theories, can occur simultaneously and interact each other. However, the results showed that integration of the two theories are not always able to apply. Hypothesis testing show that integration of these theories do not provide statistical support. Some implications for future research can be proposed. This research using between subject design. Future research can combine between and within subject design so that the effect of attitude change within subject can be observed by comparing the attitudes of participants before and after treatment. Behavioral measurement used in this is still simple. Future research can use more complex behavioral measurement. The study revealed that electricity saving behavior is regarded as a low-risk behavior among young adults who are not the party whose responsible for making payments payer. 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Paper ID MP.013 : Strengthening Salesperson Performance Quality of Mesmerizig Business Offering to Winning Customer Heart Berta Bekti Retnawati Paper ID MP 014 : Flexibility Networking Capability, Entreprenenurial Oerientation on Business Performance Ivonne Angelic Umboh Gita Sugiyarti Paper ID MP 021: An Analysis of Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Commitment the Empirical Study on Branded Laptop In Indonesian Ida Hidayanti Ivonne Angelic Umboh Paper ID MSDM 005: The Impact of Communication Effectiveness And Service Quality on Relationship Commitment Mulyo Budi Setiawan Paper ID L.109 : Gaining Competitive Advantage through Business Process Reengineering BPR Ummi Salwa Ahmad Bustamam, Syadiyah Abdul Shukor, Muhammad Ridhwan Ab. Aziz Zainal Abidin Mohamed Paper ID MSDM 023: The Influence of Management Information System E-Learning to Net Benefit in Yogyakarta Private University Using Delone a nd McLean’s 00 Model Hajra Rasmita Ngemba Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono Paper ID MP 24: The Effect of Product Attributes, Price, Need for Variations and Consumer Dissatisfaction on Brand Switching Behavior of Face Cream Product Brands in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Siti Maesaroh Retno WidowatiPA The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 70 Strengthening Salesperson Performance Through Quality Of Mesmerizing Business Offering To Win Costumer s’ Heart Berta Bekti Retnawati 1 1 Doctoral Program, Diponegoro University ABSTRACT Customer is unique. A crucial part of a salesperson’s role is to understand consumers needs and then provide the appropriate product or service. The effective marketing strategies require company include salesperson to stay close with their customers. However it is not easy to design how company should stay close to its customers. The common wisdom is through listening voice of the customer, to knowing what their customers want to deliver superior quality. A salesperson as an internal resources need to understand which sales strategies work best on different consumers to improve his customer encountering competence portfolio. The prior studies about linking customer encountering competence portfolio and salesperson performance still leave a different result. While previous researchers have proposed that the salesperson performance is improved when salesperson has customer encountering competence portfolio, nevertheless, the existing literature does not help us to understand what salespeople do in different interactions with different customers in order to create value. At the same time, another study stated that a deep distancing of a customers needs may even reduce sales performance, if the sales task is highly structured. Additionally, another empirical study stated that salesperson behavior as somewhat isolated from the interaction with the customer, not acknowledging the complex and interactive nature of sales. The key problem of many suppliers of highly individualized customer solutions is that they still lack proper understanding of their customers’ businesses.The author offers new insights fulfill this research gap by proposed quality of mesmerizing business offering. The author also make a holistic framework that identifies key levers that must be integrated with this novelty to improve salesperson performance. The quality of mesmerizing business offered to reflect effort from the salesperson attempts to strengthen relationships with customers through customer bond relationship, stable relationship, and integrated customer solution. The relationship with three business offering dimensions hold potential to increase sales person performance. The quality of mesmerizing business offering is offered to shape new research opportunities in the domain of the marketing and sales interface and in order to link both of customer encountering competence portfolio and sales force performance. This paper is organized to explain briefly epistemology of quality of mesmerizing business offering and propose the following hypotheses for the framework model. 1 RESEARCH BACKGROUND Customers are unique. It is an appropriate word to say without exaggerated them. The various characteristics and uniqueness of each customer gives certain challenges for a salesperson to win customers ’ heart. One of the important roles of the salesperson is making an effort to fully understand the customers’ needs for giving the goods they are really wanted. The properness and accuracy of the responses can be taken from the proper attitude of the salesperson towards the customers. To win customers’ choice is a complex matter Mallalieu and Nakamoto, 2008; Homburg et al., 2011 Thus company or salesperson have been ‘close’ with the customers, it needs to identify customers’ wants and needs as a sign and guidelines to develop strategy approach towards them Lynch and Chernatony, 2007. The competition of salesperson in understanding and facing the customers cannot be ignored Arndt and Karande, 2012; Flint et al., 2011. The value from the customers for the companies is as the starting point to know the customers’ uniqueness which is related to the companies. It needs to consider the risk factors which are related to highest contribution value as a prediction of the customers’ role for the companies in dynamic change. As a front liner who directly interacts with the customers, the role of salesperson becomes a critical factor which gives influence in the relationship between the companies with the customers. Therefore, the role of salesperson in direct facing sales with the customers, namely, understanding of sales marketing interface Key words: Customer Encountering Competence Portfolio, Quality of Mesmerizing Business Offering, Sales Force Performance, Relational Capital, Excellent Service Customer Heterogeneity The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 71 SMI becomes important. SMI as a framework to create customer value and achieve competitive advantage through interfunctional synergy that enables them to effectively marshal resources and develop critical capabilities.Three major components of SMI are customer orientation, competitor focus, and cross-functional coordination Hughes et al., 2012. The effectiveness of SMI will depend on the objective and rational approach in the involvement of the salesperson to create a strategy. Marketing integration and sales will be obtained effectively if some particular factors are moving together, such as the achievement of value integration, cross function, and joint rewards Hughes et al., 2012. It is not easy for companies to always be ‘close’ with their customers, the suitable things to do especially for salesperson is the ability to ‘listen’ and know customers’ wants as the important ability for every sales person. A challenge for salesperson to understand customers’ wants accurately and give the best service that other competitors, is an asset to a company to have better position in customers’ heart Lynch and Chernatony, 2007; Heijden et al., 2013 In the previous research on the role of salesperson competencies towards salesperson’ performance in facing customers, there was significant positive result on both of Lin and Hsieh 2011. However, there was a contrast from the result, it did not analyze on the same variable Arndt et al., 2012; Verbeke et al., 2004. The insignificant result is the time needed to fully understand customers’ wants will decrease the sales performance if the situation of sales is structured. The different view also stated by Plouffe et al. 2008 that the attitude of salesperson is separated from the activities and the complex understanding in interactive approach with customers. This view is on the contrary with the view from Tuli et al. 2007 which stated that the main problem in understanding of their dynamic of business environment is the inability in giving a solution needed individually for customers. This problem give a chance to conduct a further research related to some differences in research results towards the competencies in facing customers with salesperson performance. The occurring research gap will be re-examined with giving a novelty concept that will be bridge those two concepts. The novelty is quality of mesmerizing business offering. This research intends to give further theoretical study about salesperson competencies in facing the customers which related to the raising effort of salesperson performance with adding novelty of mesmerizing business offering as the research objective of both concept gaps. Review of Related Literature Epistemology of the Quality of Mesmerizing Business Offering The uniqueness of service characteristics are intangibility, inseparability, variability, and perishability. In this study, the focus is on the second characteristic, inseparability of service, it describes the service provider and the customers have direct close relationship and interact directly one another Baker et al., 2009. The epistemology to form novelty in this study combines two supporting aspects of salesperson performance, namely, aspect of the important role of salesperson in service offering to the customers and aspect of the ability of salesperson in developing strong relationship with the customers. In the aspect of the important role of salesperson in service offering to the customers, the previous research has described the complexity of service business offering forms. Service offering can be seen as the core of strategies in service industry Kohtamäki et al., 2013. This view is also used in this proposed research which states that sales and marketing in service industry is an integral part of excellent service supply will be able to keep the customers to be loyal to the company. This requires covering all service understanding to deliver an excellent service. Srivastava and Rai 2014 state that service is as an interaction process between a customer and a front liner who give services and or resources or goods and systems which were belonged to service provider. This process will be measured by the customers who will measure all services in customers’ perception from inferior service evaluation its superior. From the view of relationship aspect, based on the previous research stated by Eng 2008, where are some resources which hold importantcritical role, they are passing the obstacles in the company and done ‘ joint development of resources ’ through business relation to enable in increasing competitive advantage. Moreover, it is said that the analysis of networking on various differences level in various business relation will help the company to analyze competitive position. The study of customer portfolio planning makes the company easy to form services which suitable with different customer groups to increase company’s business performance. The business performance is influenced by the ability to grab customer engagement. Customer engagement is intended as an effort to improve the organizational performance including in its growth of sales, the preeminent superior competitive, and profit by involving customers as the party which no longer act passively, but being proactive in participating in the interactive process, and the creation of co-creation. Hollebeek 2012 researchs on customer engagement on what is thought , perceived , and the respondents’ behavior on some brands either for the utilitarian product nor hedonic products .The result of the research shows that consumers have the higher involvement of hedonic products than utilitarian products which require The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 72 the marketers to look at the proactive act of customers towards offered products and services. The increasing capacity to grab customers will not be separated from the company’s effort to provide a high value towards customers’ perception of the offering products. In the previous research conducted by Vera and Trujillo, 2013 on banking industry, states that the availability of quality services dimension is not an adequate requirements to achieve theperceived value in a preeminent manner by customers. This should be supported with customers’ confidence that the services are really different than other brands towards preeminent perception value. This epistemology explanation will bring the researcher in verifying the novelty concept which is intended to address this gap between the competences of salesperson in the facing the customers with efforts to improve salesperson’ performance, novelty which is proposed is the quality of mesmerizing business offering. The definition of the novelty is effort in letting the customer is always tied to the company. This novelty has been characterizedreflected by some indicators, thya are customers’ bond relationship, stable relationship, and integrated customer solution. The visualization of the novelty epistemology in this research can be seen in the following images: Figure 1. Novelties Mapping: quality of mesmerizing business offering Resource: the proposed development for the novelty 2015 As shown in figure 1 above, the quality of business supply which is grabbed can be described as an effort to strengthen the relationship with the customers through the reinforcement of mesmerizing business offering. This novelty has been characterized by customers’ bond relationship, stable relationship, and integrated customer solution. The relationship of these three dimensions of mesmerizing business offering is the potential things to improve the salesperson performance. The quality of this mesmerizing business offering becomes the bridge between the competencies of salesperson in dealing with the customers to improve salesperson’s performance. The Development of Propositions among Variables Customer Encountering Competence Portfolio and Quality of Mesmerizing Business Offering In various research in sales management, it has been widely recognized that having the ability customer oriented service for salesperson will greatly affect salesperson performance Jonesa et al., 2003; Malshe, 2011; Singh and Koshy, 2012, 2011. Homburg et al. 2011a states that customers oriented in direct interaction requires salesperson’s ability to identify customers’ needs and customers’ attention in various different levels on face-to-face sales sales encounter. There are five main different stages in interaction with customers which require in-depth attention; they are the stages of problems identification and customers’ needs, presentation, overcoming the objections, negotiating, and closing. It is required adequate competence portfolios from salesperson in facing various stages of encountered situations. In line with statement, the salesperson should be able to provide the optimum service offering in each interaction stage which will enable to keep the customers to be always loyal to the company. This requires a whole understanding of the services to reach a prime service transfers Heijden et al., 2013. From the explanation above, the proposition can be formulated as follows: Proposition 1: The higher customer encountering competence portfolios the higher quality of mesmerizing business offering Relational Capital and Quality of Mesmerizing Business Offering Relational capital is a form of social capital which inherent in a relationship between the company and the customers, and it includes dimension of trust, open interaction, and the ability to share beneficial things between the company and the customers Kohtamäki et al., 2013a. Either salesperson nor employees who have a number of the autonomy level in working is expected to be able to response effectively and quickly about the changing of customers’ needs which eventually could be go through the quality of relationships in keeping the customers Heijden et al. , 2013 . Other researcher Dorrego et al. , 2013 states that relational capital are based on the attention that the company and the employees are not an isolated system. On the contrary, company’s resources are required to be active in following the changes that occurred related to the changes outside external entities Close relationship with the customers’ needs strong competencies as the asset of relational capital .The The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 73 knowledge of marketing channel and relationships with the customers becomes the main strength to the results of relational capital Dorrego et al., 2013 . From the explanation above, the propotition can be formulated as follows: Proposition 2: The higher relational capital, the higher quality of mesmerizing business Excellent Service Customer Heterogeneity and Quality of mesmerizing business offering The strength of salesperson in creating an extra point in the relationship with the customers becomes the power of the sales organization which will lead the company to be the main choice of the customersTurley and Geiger, 2006. Salesperson who is able to learn from the experiences in dealing with the customers will be able to keep the customers in long-term relationships. The dynamic of changes in salesperson environment which is able to keep the customers to be a client will be more successful than those who just do the sales activity as merely transactional activity Zhang et al., 2013. Further it is said that salesperson that are able and want to update customers’ wants continuously and apply it in their sales organization will make the customers as a loyalists in a long term. Excellent service to see the characteristics of inherent in a variety of the diversity of users into power for sales force to give the overall value created prime customers Mascio, 2010. Competence of salesperson who fully understand the desire of diverse customers will be visible in effective action within the first , the provision of efficient services and fun , both of the fulfillment of the target sales of established and the latter is the ability to give form relationships of mutual customers by between the company through the provision of the solution for customers . From the explanation above, the proposition can be formulated as follows: Proposition 3: The higher excellent service customer heterogeneity, the higher quality of mesmerizing business offering These following propositions explain the relation among various elaborated variables towards salesperson performance which includes: Quality of Mesmerizing Business Offering and S alesperson Performance Lynch and Chernatony in 2007 states that the effort to win the customers’ hearts and minds with empirical study which had been conducted, can be created by making salesperson to take a role in communicating the product offered by adjusting sales strategy approach. The communication which is conducted by salesperson in stressing on the power of a brand that positively associated both in rational thought and the aspect of emotion thought of the customers will enable the salesperson to grab and keep the customers which brings into the improvement of their performance. Salesperson as a front liner who interact directly with the customers in the previous research proof that ability in giving the service models is highly influenced by the orientation of customer, competencies, type of actions, and their own interpersonal values Mascio, 2010. If the supporting abilities to provide these services are maximized, it will give the influence on the increasing of salesperson competence in giving services which are really needed for the customers, the fulfillment of determined work performance target such as sales quota, and the beneficial relationship establishment for both parties with giving solutions to customers’ problems Quality of business mesmerizing offering is described as the effort made by salesperson to strengthen the relationships with the customers through services offered and reviewed by customer bond relationship, stable relationship , and integrated customer solution to get the improvement of salesperson performance. From the explanation above, the propotition can be formulated as follows: Proposition 4: The higher quality of mesmerizing business offering, the higher salesperson performance Relational Capital and S alesperson Performance In terms of increasing relational capital possessed by the salesperson, it should be realized by sales organization that the company and employees is not an isolated system. On the contrary, the company’s resources are required to be active in following the changes that occurred related to changes outside external entities Dorrego et al., 2013. Competences of salesperson that will support the establishment of ability in relational capital also based on the needs that are required in the dynamics of duty in environmental changes to get the given achievement towards the performance. Social competences which are owned by the salesperson will enable to interact effectively with the customers in social communication skills to achieve the performance results which have been decided Yang and Wu, 2014. From the explanation above, the propotition can be formulated as follows: Proposition 5: The higher relational capital, the higher salesperson performance The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 74 Excellent Service Customer Heterogeneity and Salesperson Performance The duty of salesperson as the company representative which interact directly with the customers , in the empirical study conducted by Mascio 2010 showed that the inherent characteristics of customers’ heterogeneity become a power for salesperson to give an offering which measure overall superfine customers’ value. The competencies of salesperson which are fully understand with various customers’ wants will be seen in effective action in first, the efficient and pleasant services given by the salesperson, second, the achievement of fixed sales target and the last is the ability to give the model of a beneficial relationship between customers with the company through the solutions given by the salesperson. Another important thing to support their ability is to analyze various customers characteristics with improving salesperson performance in social construction individually by doing the interpretation and explain the instructions which are constructed in the environment and it is called sense making Shannahan et al., 2013. This will support salesperson to strengthen their performance achievement. From the explanation above, the propotition can be formulated as follows: Proposition 6: The higher excellent s ervice customer heterogeneity, the higher salesperson performance The Description of Whole Empirical Models. Based on the developed propositions, with the support from reviewing the theories and the research results above, it can be formulated an empirical model of this article as seen in figure 2 as follows: Figure 2. The Framework Model Resource: The proposed development model for the future research 2015 In the full model of this article above, there are three exogenous variables, they are customer encountering competence portfolio, relational capital, and excellent service towards customer heterogeneity. These three exogenous variables will be examined towards their influence to quality mesmerizing business offering. These three exogenous variables will be expected to have positive influence towards the proposed novelty concept which will be conducted in a research study. Endogenous variable in this empirical model of this research is quality mesmerizing business offering and salesperson performance. This novelty concept is potentially as the bridge of this research gap from previous researches about customer encountering competence portfolio and salesperson performance. Contribution and Future Research Direction Focusing on key questions in salesperson performance research, there are some contributions emerge to the proposed research. First, this paper can strengthen a theory of sales management with focusing on the nature of novelty variable as intermediation under the gap research between customer encountering competence portfolio and salesperson performance. It advances a parsimonious and testable research agenda. The notion of intermediation as an essential component of the research gap, there is a holistic framework that identifies key levers that must be integrated with this novelty to improve salesperson performance. A second contribution is our integration of two influential concepts in sales management they are key service relationship and customer portfolio planning, so that novelty value can be fulfilled this research gap. This paper points out at least two directions for future research. First, there is substantial room for conceptual clarification. Second, some of our propositions have not been tested in empirical study, thus leaving room for more rigorous empirical tests. CONCLUSION The prior studies about linking customer encountering competence portfolio and salesperson performance still leave a different result. While previous researchers have proposed that the salesperson performance is improved when salesperson has customer encountering competence portfolio, nevertheless, the existing literature does not help us to understand what salespeople do in different interactions with different customers in order to create value. At the same time, another study stated that a deep understanding of a customers needs may even reduce sales performance, if the sales task is highly structured. Additionally, another empirical study stated that salesperson behavior as somewhat isolated from the interaction with the customer, not acknowledging the complex and interactive nature of sales. The key problem of many suppliers of highly individualized customer solutions is that they still lack proper understanding of their customers’ businesses.The author offers new insights into to fulfill this research gap by proposed quality of mesmerizing business offering. The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia 75 The author also make a holistic framework that identifies key levers that must be integrated with this novelty to improve salesperson performance. The quality of mesmerizing business offering reflecting effort from the salesperson attempts to strengthen relationships with customers through customer bond relationship, stable relationship, and integrated customer solution. The relationship with three business offering dimensions hold potential to increase sales person performance. Quality of mesmerizing business offering is offered to shape new research opportunities in the domain of the marketing and sales interface and in order to link both of customer encountering competence portfolio and sales force performance. This article explains briefly e pistemology of quality of mesmerizing business offering and present the following propositions for the framework model. REFERENCES Arndt, A. 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The results of research on entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and propose a proposition about the concept of flexibility networking capabilities are contructed of entrepreneur orientation and business networking.The proposition Flexibility networking capabilities as the company’s performance can be achieved if the joint marketing produce long- term relationship with the company’s competitors, suppliers, customers who are flexibility based on the mutual commitment to building relationships, efforts todevelop a partnership in various areas of potential, optimization of profits by constantly innovate sustained and focused, adhere to maintain a predetermined agreement. Keywords : entrepreneurial orientation 1, market orientation 2, flexibility networking capabilities 3, business performance 4 1 ICoMS