The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia | 218 job satisfaction, compensation distributive justice, compensation procedural justice, person-organization fit, organizational commitment affect each other.


So that research can be run in a systematic and do not deviate from the purpose of the research, there are several stages that are defined before the research, such as that found in Figure 2: FIRST STAGE 1.1 Preparation Study Of Literature, The Preparation Of The Introduction, Formulation Of The Problem, The Perpose And Benefit Of Research 1.2 Design Research Determine The Method And Models Of Research, Indentify Research Variabels 2.Designing a Questionare And Determine Sample Research 3. Manage And Present Data 4. Structural Equation Model Analysis 5. Make Conclusion 1. First Stage 2. The Data Collection Stage 3. Analysis Stage 4. Stage Of The Formulation Of The Result 5. Last Stage. Figure 2. Research Process


The findings of this study are expected to contribute to the development of science in the field of Human Resource Management and Organisational, the subject of study and source of reference for further research, especially in developing research on the influence of the variables job satisfaction Person- Organizational Fit PO Fit, compensation distributive justice, compensation procedural justice and organizational commitment. In addition it is expected to be a useful source of information for interested parties on the management members of the organization and human resources and recommend on the importance of the implementation of person- organization fit PO-Fit, compensation distributive justice and compensation procedural justice to increase job satisfaction and organizational commitment of employees within the scope of the Regional Offices of Ministry of Religious Affairs West Sulawesi Province.


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The 2015 International Conference of Management Sciences ICoMS 2015, April 23, UMY, Indonesia | 220 ANALYSIS THE INFLUENCE OF QUALITY WORK LIFE ON JOB SATISFACTION AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE Wandi Riswandi 1 , Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono 2 1,2 Depatment of Management Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta Abstract This resea rch aims to analyse the influence of quality of work life on employee performance and job satisfaction in PT.Aseli Dagadu Djokdja. Reffered on quality work life theory, this research examined four dimension of quality work life namely reward system, work environment, job participation and job satisfaction. This resea rch used questionnaire as research instrument with sample 140 employees.The analysis tool that wa s used in this research are multiple regression . Research proves that quality of work life dimensions namely work environment, reward system and job restructuring had positive signifiicance influence on job satisfaction and work environment had positive significane influence on employee performance. Keywords : quality of work life, employee performance, job satisfaction, reward system, job participation, work environment, and job restructuring.