Examples of evriwan ALL .1 Primitive Syntax

193 TA:44 Now, everybody use herbicide. TA:49 Sometime the people down here, you really need the water.... well, you see them up there. That’s why, if you on the tail end of the ditch, when you need water you no more water. Little bit water come. When you no need, everybody throwing the water in your ditch. Enough water. That’s why, if you get long line of ditch and all the farmers over there, if you the first guy you can do what you want. WK:703 Huh? Me. Why? Why, I no can play music? No, we play music, all day. All us. The whole gang. The gang that come my house and enjoy with us. Everybody grab the ukulele, go ahead and keep going. WK:704 They have kids, children games. Whatever games they get for kids. And they have all kind. You ride the calf, and you go get the pig. You know they grease all the pig up. All that kind used to have. And then after that they have all laulau. Everybody go eat after all the games up. Waipio used to have good celebration before. Honest, you ask all the old timers. YA:1027 Bumbai, when 1915, ’14 or ’15, I moved downtown. There, get only one school in Honolulu. Kukui Street, go to the end, and the end of Kukui Street pau, eh? On the other side is the mountain. And on the back of the mountain is Central Intermediate School. Only one school over there. Everybody go to that school. But that’s the only school could go. And I go look, oh, there’s one school over here. But we no can go school already, see? We too big already. YA:1063 They used to have down the country. On the mountainside get plenty rabbit, eh? Now, no more, see. Everybody shoot, then no more. Rabbit, same thing. You skin ’em. You no take the hair out. Just skin ’em. Take the inside, the meat, see. But my wife make frog legs. She skin ’em, she fry ’em. And they put inside the pot, boil ’em. Put ‘okolehao inside the soup. Ho, the good eat, you know.

5.24.7 Examples of evriwan evriwan Yet another realization of the combination of ALL and PERSON is the HCE form evriwan. There are numerous canonical examples in our corpus: AK:611 Yeah, just give. Waipio, all the people in Waipio, if I go fishing, you come by, I have the fish there, you can help yourself to the fish. You go home, with fish. Everyone in Waipio same, you know. Because they don’t want to sell. You tell ’em you give the money, he tell, “No, no, no, no, you take the fish.” Even when we used to go out on the canoe, when they come back, you reach there, you just hold the canoe come back, you get lot of fish. He doesn’t buy the fish. AK:614 But, like today, with this younger generation, you tell them, “Oi, come help me clean my side.” They no like you come help clean. Well, those days, they told me that they always have the barrel of sour potato. They ferment the potato, that’s what they drink. They say, they have one barrel of potato or they buy a salt salmon. All the family, they come help, everyone in the family going work and eat. But the older guys drink potato but the other family eat. They help them clean the place, that’s what they do. JL:12 All fence up. All da paddock get name. Three hundred paddock Parker Ranch get. You gotta know every one. Me. I know everyone from here till Humuula. Humuula we get plenty too. Thas Hawaiian Homes. Pretty soon pau da lease, I tink. I know all the paddock up Humuula. Everyone. Even ovah heah too. Nobody can fool me. KK:118 Afta... even, you know everyone was dead a’ready. NC:139 No, nearly everyone get their own. NC:186 Well, before we I don’t know. Planting is about the same, I think. Hardly anything changes. Only we space now everyone evenly from plant to plant. Before, we get two near and then far. WK:696 Yeah, everyone. YA:1049 So, the quarterman and the leaderman tell the haole, “It’s not the machine, it’s the man back of the machine.” You know? So, “You go see that white-headed – you know, this Pake.” “This 194 Chinese white-headed man” he call me before. I get white hair, eh? I still get white hair. “He tell you how to run the machine.” And he comes to see me. I show him how to set up the job, grind the tool, mostly, I set up all the tool, job for him, eh? I open the machine and run, and I give him all the idea. You run the machine. You watch the machine go, you know, on the apron. Get one handle, see. When the apron come almost to the chuck, you pull the handle up. The machine going, but the tool not going anymore, see? The apron not going. So, everyone that come over there, he send ’em to me to teach ’em how to run. YA:1067 Yeah. Ho, terrible flood, that. Push all the houses away. Even my house. The water flood my house. Before, my house not that hip. before, low down, you know, about four feet or something like that. And then, the water cover up all the road. All my slipper floating inside–you know, just like one boat–inside the floor. But my house no can push away, but only flood the basement and down below. Everyone no more basement anyway, you know. We only get one floor, see? Just like the one across. He get only one–no more basement, eh?

5.24.8 Examples of evriwea