Examples of nating Summary

323 all in a big bowl, like that. And then the egg yolk she mix ’em like that and come yellow. I never know, she does that. My mom. Too good, eh? FD:263 I guess she didn’t tell me those things because I didn’t have nobody with us. Until I left them and I come home, that’s when I got to meet this man. To tell you the truth. We had friends but not the kind go and sleep together. You know what I mean? That’s why she didn’t have to tell me those things. Because I’m always with them. We were happy. I tell you the truth, I was happy with them. Honest. Honest. Tell you the truth. I was happier with them than when I got married. I felt so sorry I got married. NC:178 Fourteen to 15 inches, I think, and the other one is about 19 to 20 inches wide space, but nowadays, we space ’em all about the same, about 17, 18 inches. Some poor patches, not rich kind land, maybe make it more narrow. SU:1569 Oh, what–still today, lot of pilikia, eh? I don’t see why they cannot do it. You know, don’t have to be fancy kind of a parking stall. Just put ’em on. Don’t have to be on the side. WK:697 They have beds, yeah. They make their own beds. This kind here. No, no, not this kind. Those days, they make their own beds. Da kine wooden beds. YA:1066 Yeah, they do that. They make salt pond, see. Flat pond, just like. Not deep kind, you know. A regular bedlike, bed. And make bank on the edge. All around the edge, And then, about this high, see? Then they fill up that pond over there with water. Let the sun strike ’em. Bumbai, all the water dry up, eh? Down below is salt. And then, they scrape. When they scrape that salt, they scrape the top, you know. The top one is the clean one. The bottom one, they scrape ’em, they put in the back. They go make ice cream. That’s how they use ’em. IS nat ABOVE There is one possible negation example involving ABOVE: MT:1188 Jeri Ooka’s going back to Kauai, he’s going to try to see what can be done. So it has to be something in the water, because everybody has it, has the rot problem. I’m at the top of the valley, way in the top, I get the State land. Nobody is above me. I have the rot. How come? And right below me is Roy Toko, George Farm, everybody gets it. I think is something to do in the water, I don’t know. In this case, ABOVE is negated by negating the subject. nat LIKE There are a few canonical examples of predicative LIKE negated with a nat: AK:642 I think, the people down there, I know before is not like today. Today is very different. In those days, before, everybody they get together. It seems to get together before. They don’t snob you, at anytime. Even if you go up there, they always invite you, call you, come in. We were very kind, you know. People were very kind. Today, you do your own, I do my own. Everybody start to thinking of their own self now. FD:262 Well, he was working for that Akioka. They were working all over there. But you don’t go together with them. You know what I mean? Like today, eh? The life of today is not like before. When I went to Hilo, if I wanted I would have got friends in there. So much in Hilo. But no, I came back to my mom.

5.41.7 Examples of nating nating HAPPEN Our only examples of negated HAPPEN use the form nating: 324 FD:269 I don’t know. But the rest, just they say give ’em one spank by the okole. I say, “What for?” I didn’t have, I didn’t do that all to them. But they were okay, nothing happened. Like this one, well he got in accident, that’s why he died. FD:279 That’s how I met this man. But I wasn’t poho to have him, I was lucky; I wish I had him from the start so I don’t have to ruin myself, go in the water and wash clothes and do everything every day. But that’s why I say, “Thank God.” With all the hard work I had do for my family, the first family. Came to my second family, well, I had Fannie in Kukuihaele. Nothing happened. NC:170 Giving up to die already. So his friend told him, “Why don’t you try this Chinese doctor? I haven’t heard of a Chinese dying of the flu.” He said, “Oh, I’d do anything. Do you know of any?” He said, “I know of one stay way down but how good he is, I don’t know. You can try.” He said, “Oh, I try anything.” So he went down talk to this doctor and this doctor say, “Oh, no. I won’t handle Army people. I don’t want to get sued. If you die, what?” He said, “Oh, I give you written thing that if I die or anything, you don’t have to worry. Nothing will happen to YOU.” Then he say, “Okay, but one thing I tell you. If you want me to be your doctor, you have to stay my hospital.”

5.41.8 Summary

Our corpus yielded examples of the following valences: NOT THINK NOT WANT NOT KNOW NOT FEEL NOT SAY NOT DO NOT HAPPEN NOT GOOD NOT BAD NOT KIND NOT IN A PLACE NOT ABOVE NOT LIKE There were no examples of the following kinds of negation: NOT UNDER NOT A PART OF There are two kinds of NSM clauses for which we have no negated examples: IS NOT UNDER and IS NOT A PART. A third clause type is problematic: IS NOT ABOVE. Considering the number of clause types under investigation, this is a very positive results. The problematic clause types all involve primitives which are relatively rare in our corpus 325 5.42 CAN 5.42.1 Primitive Syntax