Operational Product Revision The Acceptability of the Development Product

174 summative evaluation, and 7 operational product revision with revision. Moreover, the conceptual model was validated through the questionnaires and interview. The results show that the conceptual need to be revised. To answer the second research, there were three sets of module produced, namely students ’ course book, teacher’s book, and students’ worksheet, as the results. Firstly, the students ’ course book consisted of seven units. Those seven units were 1 You Need a Professional Like Us, 2 Do You Know Your Wedding Structure?, 3 Venue, Photographer, Caterer. What Else?, 4 That’s a Very Kind Offer from Us, 5 Which Indonesian Menu Will You Prefer?, 6 Here is Our Wedding Contract, and 7 Finally, Your Big Day is Coming . Furthermore, every unit contained five phases reflecting task-based learning framework. Firstly, Let’s Begin phase is aimed at recallying students’ prior knowledge about particular topic being learned. Secondly, Let’s Prepare phase is a phase to give input to the students. Thirdly, Let’s Do It phase consists the big project of the unit to be accomplished in group. Forthly, Let’s Learn phase has purpose to learn language focus of the unit. Lastly, Let’s Reflect phase will give the students a time to reflect what have been learned. In dealing with project-based learning framework, the processes implemented in the teaching and learning process derived from Stoller 1997, as quoted in Richards and Renandya 2002 were 1 agree on a theme for the project, 2 determine the final outcome, 3 structure the project, 4 prepare students for the language demands of step 5, 5 gather information, 6 prepare students for the language demands of step 7, 7 compile and analyze information, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 175 8 prepare students for the language demands of step 9, 9 present final product, and 10 evaluate the project. To validate the development product as the designed materials, the evaluators were involved. Through the results of interview, questionnaires, and field notes, it was concluded that the designed materials were appropriate to be implemented to the students. However, some revisions need to be done, covering learning indicators, contents, activities, diction, instructions, language level, syllabuslesson plans, and material implementation. The suggestions were accepted as the guideline to revise the materials. In answering the third question, to know whether the materials were acceptable or not, the implementation of the materials was conducted. After implementing the materials, test, interview and field notes were utilized to obtain the results. As the results, it was concluded that the materials were efficient, effective, and user-friendly. However, there were revisions on pictures, contents, instructions, and material implementation. Furthermore, the result of the test indicated the value of sig. 2-tailed which was 0.001. This represented that H0 is rejected. It means that there is significant difference between scores in pre-test and post-test.


After analyzing the results of this research, two implications are classified into both scientific and practical implications. Firstly, related to scientific implication, it can be said that EOP materials can include materials for any job. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 176 The results of this research have contributed to the variety and innovation of materials development in EOP. Particularly, the wedding organizers have already had a way to encounter their problems in dealing with foreign clients. In other words, the designed materials can be used to help them enhance their professionalism and expand their world through English. Secondly, the materials as the results of this research have implicated to the practitioner of the English language. The English teachers or practitioners might expand their teaching experience in teaching the wedding organizers by using the designed materials. It can also open more opportunities for the English teachers or practitioners to design similar materials that still deal with wedding organization. Probably, the next materials would be designed for the grooms and brides to be whose wedding organizers are from foreign countries.


As this research brought a very complex process, therefore recommendations are given. The recommendations are delivered to the material users and future researchers, particularly those who will conduct similar research in ESP. The recommendations can be seen as follows.

1. Recommendations for material users

There are three recomendations for material users. Firstly, the materials need to be adjusted when it will be implemented to other wedding organizers. The material users in this part cover both the teacher and the team members of wedding organizer, as the students. Although wedding organizers deal with same 177 general matters in organizing wedding, however, each wedding organizer might face different particular challenges related to using English in communicating with the clients. Therefore, before using the materials, the teacher should match the contents of the materials with the needs of the wedding organizer that will be taught. Secondly, as the follow-up of the adjusted materials, the contents of particular units might use other contents. For example, in dealing with wedding menu, the designed materials used Indonesian traditional menu. The teacher might consider Western food or any food originated from any place to be used in optimizing students’ vocabulary mastery about foods in wedding menu. Another example is changing the wedding structure as the designed materials used Javanese wedding structure. Using other wedding structures should be considered as well. Thirdly, the implementation of the designed materials should be implemented in more meetings. Each topic might be implemented in two meetings to make the students have enough time to comprehend the input and prepare the units project. Furthermore, the time to have the teaching and learning process should probably be made into twice a week. This is aimed at giving the students ideal time to learn English, so that the students will not feel monotonous.

2. Recommendations for future researchers

There are two recommendations for future researchers. Firstly, as this research limit its implementation only in the seventh steps of RD, the future researchers are expected to implement the rest of the steps. In other words, for PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI