50 summative evaluation. Lastly, operational product revision step deals only with revision. In short, after the materials are finished, some evaluators will validate the materials. Through the suggestions obtained, the materials are revised. The implementation of the materials will involve the students as the team members of the wedding organizers. Through some data gathering techniques, the results will conclude whether the materials are efficient, effective, and user-friendly. It is included in the acceptability of the materials. The theoretical framework of the research can be seen from the following figure. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 51 Figure 2.6. The Theoretical Framework of The Research 52


The purpose of this chapter is to present the methodology of the research. Verifying the empirical truth will be done through the research methodology. This chapter consists of five parts, namely research method, research procedure, data, data gathering, and data analysis technique.


The research questions of this research are 1 What is the conceptual model of English for wedding organizers? , 2 What is the development product of English for wedding organizers? , and 3 How is the acceptability of the development product of English for wedding organizers? . The research questions will be answered through the selected steps of R D. The steps are 1 research and information collecting, 2 planning, 3 develop preliminary form of product, 4 preliminary field testing, 5 main product revision, 6 main field testing, and 7 operational product revision. The discussion of each step is presented as follows.

1. Research and Information Collecting

The purpose of this step is to do research and obtain information related to the target research. This also aims to gather the underlying theories that will be used in conducting the research. According to Borg and Gall 1983 , “this step aims to collect research findings and other information pertinent to the planned development and to determine the state of knowledge in the area of concern” p. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI