The purpose of this chapter is to present the methodology of the research. Verifying the empirical truth will be done through the research methodology. This chapter consists of five parts, namely research method, research procedure, data, data gathering, and data analysis technique.


The research questions of this research are 1 What is the conceptual model of English for wedding organizers? , 2 What is the development product of English for wedding organizers? , and 3 How is the acceptability of the development product of English for wedding organizers? . The research questions will be answered through the selected steps of R D. The steps are 1 research and information collecting, 2 planning, 3 develop preliminary form of product, 4 preliminary field testing, 5 main product revision, 6 main field testing, and 7 operational product revision. The discussion of each step is presented as follows.

1. Research and Information Collecting

The purpose of this step is to do research and obtain information related to the target research. This also aims to gather the underlying theories that will be used in conducting the research. According to Borg and Gall 1983 , “this step aims to collect research findings and other information pertinent to the planned development and to determine the state of knowledge in the area of concern” p. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 53 777. Gathering need analysis is also formed in this step. Cunningsworth 1983 explains that the purpose of need analysis is to facilitate the learners in their ability to tackle everyday situations in their workfield or study context. Therefore, the results of need analysis will be as basic foundation to the materials development. Additionally, at the end, the materials will be judged whether they meet students’ needs, lacks, and wants as resulted in need analysis or not. Before conducting the need analysis, some underlying theories were obtained. The eleven theories required were English for Occupational Purposes EOP, second language teaching and learning theory, wedding organizer, communication skills in English at the workplace, project-based learning, task- based learning, educational research and development, instructional design model, and materials adaption. In gathering the need analysis of the research, interviews were done and questionnaires were distributed. Firstly, several stakeholders of several wedding organizers in Yogyakarta were interviewed. Furthermore, the questionnaires were distributed to the members of several wedding organizers in Yogyakarta. Secondly, one stakeholder of an outstanding hotel which has already had many experiences in handling foreign clients was also interviewed. The results of this step were then analyzed and concluded. Additionally, the observation was done in order to get the wedding brochures from wedding vendors in Yogyakarta. The observation was done in two events of wedding expo held in Jogja City Mall. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 54

2. Planning

In this second step of R D, objectives of the learning process or of the materials were formulated . According to Gall et al. 2007, “this step consists of instructional analysis which was undertaken to acquaint the specific skills, procedures, and learning tasks involved in reaching the goals of instructions” p. 589. Furthermore, Borg and Gall 1983 argue that “the role of objective is as the best basis for developing an instructional program” p. 779. By looking at the results of the needs analysis, the objectives of the materials were then carefully formulated. The materials utilized task-based and content-based syllabus. Hudelson 1993 states that “task-based syllabus organized around different tasks and activities that the learners would carry out” p. 152. As supported by Graves 2002, “a syllabus which is built around tasks is called a task-based syllabus; that has broad range of activities and many tasks involve a series of smaller tasks” p. 47. The task-based syllabus, furthermore, utilized project-based learning in terms of the tasks that the students will do in particular meeting or unit. Furthermore, content-based syllabus was also utilized to provide different topics of each units for the learners. In designing the appropriate objectives, as well as the appropriate contents of the materials, consultation was done with supervisor, related wedding organizer and the evaluators of the materials.

3. Preliminary Form of Product

After obtaining the contents and syllabus of the materials, it came to a step to develop instructional materials, learning activities, and tasks. Borg Gall 55 1983 state that “the purpose of this step is to build a preliminary form of the educational product that can be field tested” p. 781. The results or products of this step were students ’ coursebook, students’ workbook, and teacher’s book. Firstly, the students ’ coursebook consisted of the complete units of the materials. Secondly, the students ’ workbook consisted of the required worksheets for the learners to do. Whereas, thirdly, in teacher’s book, there were some documents needed, starting from the overview of the designed materials up to the photocopiable materials.

4. Preliminary Field Testing

After a set of materials was ready, some evaluators put their judgement on the materials. It was aimed at looking for the appropriateness of the materials. Moreover, Borg and Gall 2006 state that: In the preliminary field test, the feedback from specific teacher is necessary to help the educational product designer in developing and improving the educational product. This step is expected to get many specific criticism and suggestions toward the educational product p. 783. The evaluators were those who are expertise in dealing with materials development. The invited evaluators were one student and three alumnae of English Language Studies which have already have experiences in developing English materials. In fulfilling this step, the data were obtained through three ways of data gathering technique: interview, survey, and field notes in order to build trustworthiness of the data. The data obtained as the results of interview, survey, and field notes were then analyzed. The analysis of each data gathering technique was compiled. As PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 56 the results of this step, there will be suggestions for the researcher to revise the materials. In order to be more easier in analyzing the mistakes in the materials, the suggestions will be classified into several categories.

5. Main Product Revision

In main product revision, the materials that were previously evaluated were then revised. According to Borg and Gall 1983 , “revised educational product is expected to be more suitable to be used in the classroom” p. 784. The data analysis from previous step will produce a list of suggestion. By following the suggestions, some revisions were made. In revising the materials, the researcher needs to adjust the materials with the results of the need analysis, as well as the context of the target research. For example, if there is revision to simplify the language used in the materials, the new version of language should be suitable with the students’ English proficiency. This step expects the researcher to not only revise the materials, but also consider several reasons behind the revision.

6. Main Field Testing

This is the step of implementing the revised materials with the real learners in the classroom. Borg and Gall 1983 state that: The main purpose of the main field test is to determine the success of the new product in meeting its objectives and to collect information that can be used to improve the course in the next revision p. 784. In this step, the data were analyzed by using some statistical technique through the scores analysis of pre-test and post-test. Conducting interviews with the learners was also done to get the information related to the materials taught to