Research Method Data Collecting Method

III. METHOD OF THE ANALYSIS One of the essential parts in scientific research in analyzing the data is to have a method of analysis. In this thesis I apply library research which using written information to support the analysis. I will make suffixes in English and Batak Simalungun Language as the main object of the analysis which are analyzed from aspect of form, distribution, function, and meaning. There are some steps which will be taken in doing the analysis. First, I will collect the data from some books. Then the second step, I will analyze the data from aspect of form, distribution, function and meaning. Finally, I will contrast them and make a general conclusion from the analysis.

3.1. Research Method

The methodology research is aimed to solve the problem by describing the facts and data systematically based on the recent fact. Nawawi 1991: 61 in his book entitled “Metode Penelitian Bidang Sosial” says that there are two methods of research. Those are library and field research method. The first is done by collecting the data from books, newspapers, magazines, journals and other written sources, whereas the last one is done by asking such designed questions to a certain group of people in collecting data. I will do library research. Library research is the method which is supplied by collecting data or information from references which have been written by linguists or other experts. In addition to library research, the writer also uses descriptive method. Nawawi 1995: 67 states, “Metode deskriptif dapat diartikan sebagai prosedur atau cara memecahkan masalah penelitian dengan memaparkan keadaan objek Universitas Sumatera Utara yang diselidiki seseorang, lembaga, masyarakat, pabrik, dan lain-lain sebagaimana adanya, berdasarkan, fakta-fakta yang aktual pada saat sekarang” . In writing this thesis, I try to apply a sistematic theory to describe suffixes in English and Batak Simalungun Language with their kinds and examples. The proposes some examples of suffixes in English and Batak Simalungun Language and finally takes the correspondence, partly correspondence, and non correspondence of two languages suffixes.

3.2. Data Collecting Method

The colleting data is very important. In this analysis, I analyze English and Batak Simalungun Language in suffixes from aspects of form, distribution, function, and meaning. I collect some references which are related to this thesis. One of the books that I use for the data in Batak Simalungun Language is Morfologi dan Sintaksis Bahasa Batak Simalungun Unrich Damanik and the books that I use for the data in English are Morphology: The Descriptive Analysis of Words Nida, Eugene A, Contemporary English Grammar Murthy, Jayanthi Dakshina, and the other thesis that can be a source of the data of suffixes in English.

3.3. Data Analysis Method