Statement of Purposes English listening materials using task based language teaching for the second year students of visual communication design program in SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta

No Topic Unit Title Learning Indicators spoken text accurately. 4. Retell the spoken text. 5. Describe people’s educational background accurately. 3 Talking about Past Events Childhood Moments Students are able to: 1. Answer the questions related to the spoken text correctly. 2. Identify language features used in narrative and descriptive expositions related to past events accurately. 3. Pronounce some words related to the spoken text accurately. 4. Retell the spoken text. 5. Present narrative orand descriptive exposition related to past events. 4 Talking about Future Plans I’m going to …. Students are able to: 1. Answer the questions related to the spoken text correctly. 2. Identify language features used in narrative and descriptive expositions related to future plans accurately. 3. Pronounce some words related to the spoken text accurately. 4. Retell the spoken text. 5. Present narrative orand descriptive exposition related to future plans. 5 Inviting Someone Join us Students are able to: 1. Answer the questions related to the spoken text correctly. 2. Identify and mention expressions used in inviting, accepting and refusing invitation accurately. No Topic Unit Title Learning Indicators 3. Pronounce some words related to the spoken text accurately. 4. Respond the expressions accurately. 5. Use the expressions of inviting, and accepting or refusing invitations accurately. 6 Giving Opinions, Agreement andor Disagreement You’re right Students are able to: 1. Answer the questions related to the spoken text correctly. 2. Identify and mention expressions used in giving opinion, agreement and disagreement accurately. 3. Pronounce some words related to the spoken text accurately. 4. Respond the expressions accurately. 5. Use the expressions of giving opinions, agreement and disagreement accurately 7 Describing Process How does a camera work? Students are able to: 1. Answer the questions related to the spoken text correctly. 2. Identify and mention expressions used in describing process accurately. 3. Pronounce some words related to the spoken text accurately. 4. Respond the expressions accurately. 5. Use the expressions of describing process accurately 8 Telling Announcement Attention please Students are able to: 1. Answer the questions related to the spoken text correctly. 2. Identify and mention expressions used in announcement accurately.