123 James K. Whitaker 1974 Leonora Serafica de Guzman 1983 Beulah Robert Compton Burt Galaway 1983 Intake Assessment Social Diagnosis Determination of Goals Selection of social treatment plan Establishment of working agreement Sustaining social treatment Evaluation Terminantion and after care Data gathering fact finding Identification definition of problem Planning the intervention Plan Implementation Evaluation Termination or Continuation The contact phase: problem identification, initial goal setting data collection The contract phase: Join assessment, goal setting planning Interventive roles: Implementation of the roles Evaluation Charles Zastrow 1995 Karen K. Kirst- Ashman Graftorn

H. Hull, JR 1993

Mary Richmond 1918 Identify as precisely as possible the problem s Generate possible alternative solutions Evaluate the alternative solutions Select a solution s to be used, and set goals Implement the solutions Follow up to evaluate how the solutions worked Assessment Planning The Intervention Evaluation Termination Follow up Study Diagnosis Treatment Evaluation of treatment 124 Brenda Dubois Karla Krogsrud Miley 1992 Louise Johnson 1995 Naomi I. Brill 1978 1. Builds profesional relationship 2. Identifies and defines the problem, issue, or need that the client present 3. Assesses the problem, issue, or need presented 4. Sets goals for intervention 5. Gathers and analyzes relevant information 6. Explores alternative solutions 7. Formulates the intervention plan 8. Implements and monitor the plan intervention 9. Evaluates the effort and results of intervention 10. Ends the intervention 1. Preliminary statement of the problem 2. Statement of preliminary assumptions about the nature of the problem 3. Selection and collection of information 4. Analysis of information available 5. Development of a plan 6. Implementation of the plan 7. Evaluatioan of the plan 1. Engagement 2. Assessment 3. Definition of the problem 4. Setting of goals 5. Selection of alternative methodes an initial mode of intervention 6. Establishment of a contract 7. Action leading towarth the desired goal 8. Evaluation 9. Continuation of working plan, abandonment of unsuccesful intervention and selection of a difference approach; or termination 125 Kalau digambarkan secara sederhana maka proses pemecahan masalah sosial adalah sebagai berikut: Assesment Plan of Treatment Treatment Action Evaluasi Terminasi Atau mungkin suatu bentuk lainnya yang menunjukkan suatu tahapan proses yang mesti dilalui dalam mengatasi suatu persoalan sosial tertentu. Sementara itu suatu permasalahan atau persoalan sosial yang akan ditangani pun umumnya tidak muncul secara tiba-tiba pula, tetapi melalui suatu tahapan tertentu, sebagaimana terlihat pada bagan berikut: Cause s Social Problems Effect suatu masalah sosial timbul beserta akibat-kibat yang ditimbulkannya pun tidak pernah sederhana dan bersifat tunggal single problem tetapi saling terkait dengan berbagai permasalahan lainnya; sehingga dalam menangani permasalahan dan akibat yang ditimbulkannnya perlu dipahami secara sistemik. 126