Objectives of the Study Definition of Terms

The study which helps the writer is about the translation strategy. It is used in order to find out the other researcher in analyzing the study of translation strategy. The study was conducted by Nella Fitri Maya Juwita, entitled The Translation Strategies Employed by the Translators in Translating English Business Management Terms into Indonesian 2009. In this research, Juwita intends to know what English terms in business management that are translated into Indonesian and what strategies used by the translator. She found 600 terms taken from various glossaries of English business management terms. She found that the translator used more than one strategy. The strategies include direct translation, combination of direct translation and naturalization, naturalization, and descriptive translation. This research has relation with this study of onomatopoeia due to the fact that the writer is going to find out the strategy in translating the onomatopoeic expression found in the text. The above studies have the same topic about comic and translation. The study of onomatopoeia translation is different from the studies above in the language which is analyzed; it is Indonesian and English, while the study above is in Japanese and English. The translation strategy will also be different, because this onomatopoeic expression is not always stated in the dictionary. Therefore, the translation strategies must be different from the study above conducted by Juwita. This research on onomatopoeia translation in Don Rosa‟s The Life and Times of Scrooge Mcduck 1996 is a new research; therefore it will be very helpful if any other students want to develop the study of this research.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Onomatopoeia

Due to the purpose of understanding the translation of onomatopoeia expression, the writer searched some theories in conducting this study. For beginning, it is important to understand the meaning of onomatopoeia. The Merriam Webster Dictionary reports the onomatopoeia is derived from the Greek onoma which means „name‟ and poeiein which means „to make‟. This term is also called as sound symbolism.

a. Theory of Origin of Language

To help the classification of onomatopoeic expression found in the comic, we must first know the theory of onomatopoeia. To understand when the onomatopoeic expressions built, the theories of the origin of the language are needed. Here are some theories of origin of the language according to David Crystal in the book The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language 289, 1987:

i. The Pooh-Pooh Theory

This theory is also determined as „Interjectional Theory‟ which suggests that the language come from expression of human emotion, such as pain, anger, happy, or other Yule:2006. According to Darwin in, human feelings such as pain, disgust, or contempt create a tendency to contract all the muscles of the body, including face and lips to produce a sound, such as the interaction „ouch‟ indicating of pain. This may be not too hard to be analyzed, because it is shown mainly on the comic. For example found in The Life and Times of Scrooge Mcduck 1996 is ”yipes” which is translated into “huaaaaa”. In this context, the character in the comic was yelling. ii. The Ding-Dong Theory This theory tries to determine the relationship between the sounds and the senses of word. Speech arises because people react to the stimuli in the world around them and spontaneously produce sounds which in same way reflected to the enviro nment Crystal: 1987. For example the utterance „byebye’ followed by waving hands that indicates „good bye‟. iii. The Yo-He-Ho Theory This theory underlines the development of language in social context. Language is produced because of human physical effort, such as people work together Crystal: 1987. However, when people get a command-sound they will do strong body movement and automatically produce rhythmical yells. The example found in Rosa‟s comic is when the character in this comic wants to engrave; the onomatopoeic expression shown is “chip-chip” translating into “krik- krik”. iv. Bow-wow Theory This theory was proposed by Max Muller from German. He states that the simplest word is imitative of natural sounds, such as „cuckoo‟, which is then originated as t he name of bird and „bow-wow’ which is originated as the dog‟s bark becomes the name of dog. This theory is also supported by Jespersen on his book entitled „Language, Its Nature, Development and Origin‟ by giving the chronological theory. First the lower animals are original enough to cry and roar,