Theoretical Framework REVIEW OF LITERATURE

The numbering of the data is written this way. When the datum was obtained inside the balloon, it would be IBxx, otherwise it would be OBxx. The last two digits are numbers which is shown orderly. The procedure done by the writer was that she collected the comic of The Life and Times of Scrooge Mcduck from the internet. The followimg step was to search its Indonesian-translation comic, entitled Kisah Hidup Paman Gober. Second, the writer read whole of the comic, both of English version and Indonesia version. Third, the writer made a list of the onomatopoeic expression found in the comic.

3. Population

Population was the data of the research that was being analyzed and discussed.The onomatopoeia expressions that have been collected was 63 expressions. Since the number of data that have been found was not many, the writer used all of the data to be discussed in this research. In naming the data, there are four digits to use. The two first digits are letters and two rest digits are numbers. The first two digits represent a place where the data was taken, whether it is inside the balloon or outside the balloon.

4. Data Analysis

To answer the problems, the writer has done some steps to solve. In analyzing the data, the writer cannot apply the theories in every onomatopoeic expression found. This was because some onomatopoeic expressions are not translated into Indonesian. First step done by the writer was to make the onomatopoeic expressions into the table, by adding the information such as the words of onomatopoeia in English and Indonesian, phonetic transcription, pages, and context of the picture’s description. The second is to analyze every expression with its meaning in the picture, by looking and checking it at the dictionary. When the onomatopoeic expressions can be found in the dictionary, and its translation in Indonesian is the same, it can be concluded that the translation strategy uses direct translation. In the contrary, when the onomatopoeic expressions cannot be found in the dictionary, and they were translated in Indonesian, there would be some adjustments in translation process. The step to analyze the onomatopoeic expressions that were not listed in the dictionary was to see the contextual meaning in the pictures. Then, the writer tried to see the reason using the onomatopoeic expressions by applying the theory of the origin of the language. The last step was to figure out which translation strategy used.