Data Collection Method of the study

onomatopoeic expressions found outside the balloons with 47 numbers. When inputing data was done, it was found that there were 40 data that are included in Direct Onomatopoeia, 16 data that are Associative Onomatopoeia, and 7 data of Exemplary Onomatopoeia. The data were obtained by listing the onomatopoeic expressions in the Source Text and then followed by checking the translation in Target Text. The data would be first analyzed by checking the dictionary. The onomatopoeic expressions which were found in the dictionary were categorized as lexical onomatopoeia. As an example, expression „bang‟ was found in the comic. By checking a dictionary, the writer found its meaning which says, “A sudden loud noise” according to Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary. This expression became one of data from lexical onomatopoeia. Otherwise, they would be non lexical onomatopoeia.

B. Analysis Results

This subchapter will be the presentation of the answers for the first and second problems. The first problem was about the types of onomatopoeic expressions which were found from the Source Text and the translation from the Target Text. Second problem was the strategies of translation that were used in this comic “The Life and Times of Scrooge Mcduck”in translating onomatopoeia.

1. Onomatopoeic expressions found in the comic

The first problem says “What are the types of onomatopoeic expressions found in The Lifes and Times of Scrooge Mcduck and their translation in Kisah Hidup Paman Gober ? ” As what the writer has said previoulsy, there were two categories of the data. The first category was its expression that could be found inside the balloons. The second category was the expressions that were found outside the balloons but they were written in the panels of the comics.

a. Onomatopoeic expressions found inside the balloons

This table below is some data of onomatopoeic expressions which were found inside the balloon. The contents were the onomatopoeic expressions in ST, which is English, page where the expression was found in both of languages, its English phonetic transcription, the meaning of English expressions that were taken from either Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture and Oxford Learner Dictionary or Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, the translated onomatopoeic expression in Indonesian, and the last is the text in which the onomatopoeia was found. This following table is some data of onomatopoeic expressions found inside the balloons.