Transposition Review of Related Theories

C. Method of the study

This study was a qualitative research and library research. It was conducted to figure out a theory which is underlying the project. The writer studied not only about the conversation but also the words written outside the dialogue balloons, considering that the onomatopoeic expression was not only in utterances but also in the description of what the characters doing. This study was a qualitative research in which the writer observed the dialogue and the description outside the dialogue balloon in order to understand the meaning. The writer used the theories as mentioned before in chapter II to analyze the onomatopoeic expressions translation to figure out the translation strategy. D. Research Procedure 1. Types of Data The collected data of this research was an objective data. This research involved two main literary works, which were comics. The first was one of the works of Don Rosa entitled The Life and Times of Scrooge Mcduck. It was first published by Gemstone Publishing Book in New York 1994. This is the most famous comic at that time until now. Hence, it is translated into so many languages in the world because of the need of readers from other countries. For this work, Don Rosa won Will Eisner Award in 1995. Due to the popularity of the comic, Indonesian readers also like to read this comic. In fact, not all of the Indonesian people know English. Therefore, this Don Rosa’s works was also translated into Indonesian. The title of this comic in Indonesia is Kisah Hidup Paman Gober. It was published by PT Penerbitan Sarana Bobo, Gramedia Pustaka Utama Ltd, in Jakarta. The Life and Times of Scrooge Mcduck is a comic in which the characters are all animals. This comic contains of 12 chapters with additional chapters. The story happens between 1877 and1947. The main character of this comic is a duck, named Scrooge Mcduck. In this comic, Mcduck is characterized as a rich and lucky. His attention is for money. The comic tells about his experiences with other characters where the story is also related to money. The whole story tells the experience from his child till he becomes rich.

2. Data Collection

The data that the writer has taken in conducting this study was twelve chapters of the comic The Life and Times of Scrooge Mcduck and its tranlation in Indonesian Kisah Hidup Paman Gober. The twelve chapters are: The Duke, Dimes, and Detinies; The Last of the Clan Mcduck; The Master of the Mississippi; The Buckaroo of the Badlands; The Cowboy Captain of Cutty Sark; Raider of the Copper Hill; the New Laird of the Castle Mcduck; the Terror of the Transvaal;the Vigilante of Pizen Bluff; Dreamtime Duck of the Never-Never; King of the Klondike; The Prisoner of the White Agony Creek; Hearts of the Yukon; The Billionaire of Dismal Downs; The Invader of Fort Duckburg; The Sharpie of the Culebra Cut; The Empire-Builder from Calisota; and The Richest Duck in the World.