Direct onomatopoeia. Theory of Onomatopoeia

or historically. Bear is polysemus, because it has several meanings „to tolerate‟, „to carry‟, and „to support‟. There are also synonyms meaning words have the same meaning but different spelling or sound different. One of the examples is the words annoy and bother which mean to make somebody angry. Different from synonyms, antonyms are the opposite in meaning. Big vs small is the example. Red, blue, black, white are hyponyms. It is a set of words whose relationship is general to more specific. Three more lexical meanings are metonyms, retronyms, and proper names. A metonym is a word used in place of another word or expression to convey the same meaning. Retronyms are expression that would once have been redundant. Proper names mean a language‟s shortcuts. Crown which refers to monarchy is the example of metonyms. Silent movie is a retronym because in the past all movies were silent, whereas nowadays all of movies are now not silent, even though there are some movies which are silent. The last example is White House which is to name official residence of US President. White house is example of proper names.

b. Contextual Meaning

If lexical meaning focuses on the lexical features of the word, in this contextual meaning focuses on the text. Contextual meaning is the meaning of word in particular situations and certainly in different kind of context. It might be a reason, justification, assumption, explanation, or other function of the context. The context of sound may often provide enough clues to comprehension. Onomatopoeic words are considered as symbolic language; therefore, the meaning depends on the context in which it is used. More than one level of their meaning is expressed Crystal: 1987. Therefore, different interpretation appears when someone tries to find out the meaning of onomatopoeic words. Due to the fact that this thesis is about translation, theory of translation is needed. First is about the definition. According to Nida and Taber, translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondy in terms of styles Nida and Taber, 1982. The definition is changing from one state or form to another, to turn into one‟s own or another‟s language The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Contextual context is included in contextual meaning. In pragmatics, context is very essential. This study needs co-text theory in order to know the references pointed and due to the reason that the study uses comic as the text. There are some aspects that should be considered in co-text or contextual contexts analysis. The context of the text itself covers grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion.

i. Grammatical cohesion

Cohesion is relations of meaning that exist within the text, and that define it as a text. Grammatical cohesion is the cohesion which is affected by the logical and structural rules. These following are the types of grammatical cohesion.

a. Reference

This is an act which a speaker uses linguistic forms to enable the hearer to identify something. In referring something, we may use time deixis, person deixis, and other deixis. When there is no previous mention of the referent in the text, exophoric reference is used. If there is a referring expression links with another item within the same text, it is called endophoric reference. In endophora, there are two kinds, Anaphora and Cataphora. While anaphora is used for something referring backward, cataphora is used for referring forward.

b. Substitution

Substitution in this co-text is the replacement of one item by another. Joan Cutting in his book, Pragmatic and Discourse said that “As with endophoric reference, substitution holds the text together and avoid repetition”. If we may take a look at the example below: Little baby oh so small One day you will be big and tall I watch you while you laugh and play My love for you grows everyday I tell you this with my whole heart I love you just the way you are Lisa, http:www.familyfriendpoems.compoemmothers-short-poem-to-her-little- baby , 3 May 2013 From the poem, the substitution used is in the second line. The word “you” substitutes “little baby” in the first line. The advantage of using