METHODOLOGY A. The study of onomatopoeia types and translation strategies in Don Rosa`s The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck.



A. Background of the Study

Many people know that poetry and novel are categorized as literary works. Due to the reason that there are some people who cannot enjoy literary works by reading novel or poetry, it will be more interesting if they can enjoy it in pictures, comics for example. Since the comic fans are not only from the country that the favorite comics were published, these works were translated into the re aders‟ language. What makes reading become interesting is that there are pictures telling about the story made by the creator. There are also some expressions that ilustrate the sounds which appear inside the story. These expressions are called onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia is often used in comics. Onomatopoeia itself is a very interesting study of language due to the naming of the sounds in every language in the world that are usually varied. The fact about onomatopoeia is that it is different in every country. Japan comic is famous in the world, especially in United States, Europe, and Southeast Asia http:web-japan.orgkidswebarchivescool97-7-9manga.html . They call it as manga. There must be also onomatopoeia in manga. Fr English people and Japanese, for instance, what they hear may not be the same. This case could happen in Indonesian too. Crow of rooster, for example, will show us how people with different native language hear the sound and say the spelling of it. Its sound in English is cockadoodledoo, Japanase is kokekkoko while in Indonesia is kukuruyuk . The sound of knocking the door in English goes to knock-knock, but in Indonesian, it is tok-tok. Transferring the idea and meaning from source language into target language may not be easy. The idea is not only transferring the words into words, but also the culture that is carried by the language itself. Onomatopoeia is phenomenon that is wholly related to culture. In translating the words of onomatopoeia, the way to translate is important. Meaning to say, translation strategies are the key to deliver the meaning succesfully. To deliver the message of the comic‟s author, the translator must translate into the compact sentences, considering that the space given is limit due to the screen of the comic is comic strips. In this study, it is hoped that researchers can learn in translating the target language into the compact source translation so that the message still can be delivered well, understandable, readable, and accurate for the readers to enjoy the comic itself. One of Don Rosa‟s works is Donald Duck and Scrooge Mcduck. These comics were translated into so many different languages in the world, including Indonesian. There is no doubt that onomatopoeia also appears in this comic, since this comic tells about the life of animal, which is duck, living like a human being. By reading of the comic of Don Rosa entitled The Life and Times of Scrooge Mcduck, there are many interesting points, especially in onomatopoeia. Following is the example: