Cultural Meaning of Words

Compulsory Transposition, which is used when only a transposition is acceptable.

2. Modulation

Modulation is used when other techniques would generate a text which is grammatically correct, but unsuitable, not idiomatic, or awkward. These techniques require excellent knowledge of both languages in both of the languages involved in the translation. It is commonly used for translating metonymy.

3. Equivalence

This type of techniques is used to render expression using different stylistic and structural methods. This method is usually used for translating idiom, onomatopoeia, proverbs, nominal or adjectival phrases, idioms, clichés, etc.

4. Adaptation

It is used when there the limit to translation is been reached, for example when a simple translation would not work or it would produce a result that is shocking in the target language and culture. These all theories from the origin of the language assist the writer to find out the onomatopoeic expressions‟ origin. After find out the origin, the writer then points out about the meaning and the relation of each the onomatopoeic expression, according to its lexical meaning or contextual meaning. From the theories that have been applied, the last is to know the translation strategy of its onomatopoeia.

C. Theoretical Framework

Three reviews of related studies are needed to compare the idea of the study. They give new knowledge to the writer in comparing the theories that should be used in analyzing or doing the study. They also required finding some information either in the similar or differences idea underlying in the writer‟s study or the reviews. The theory of origin of language in the onomatopoeia‟s theory is needed in analyzing the data. The theory of types of onomatopoeia helps the writer to answer the first problem formulation. Not only both of theory above that help in answering the first problem formulation, but also the theory of meaning, even those theories can also be used in analyzing the second problem formulation. Theory of characteristic language is needed in answering the first problem formulation in identifying the onomatopoeic expression and the meaning from the dictionaries. The last is the translation strategies and the translation procedures is to answer the second problem formulation and to find the way the translator transferring the idea from the Source Text into the Target Text.