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By taking notice at the dialogue “I‟m tellin ya, lad, this river is so dirty, I once saw it crack goin round and bend,” it could be detected that this expression was used as a verb. That was why its Indonesian translation is also a verb “patah.” The writer concluded that this onomatopoeic expression was functioned as a verb, and not an independent onomatopoeia. Getting in with the theory of origin, this expression could be included in the Bow Wow Theory. The theory said that the simplest word is imitative of natural sounds. The sound crack is considered as a sound that is produced when it is broken. Furthermore, by checking at the types of onomatopoeia, this expression could be included into Direct Onomatopoeia in reason of the sound of this expression resembles to the sound that it names. This picture below is the panel where the expression was found. Picture IB01 page 15 “Master of Mississippi” Datum IB04 was obtained from serial “Buckaroo of the Badlands”. The expression was “Yee haw” which was translated into “Yiihaa”. Even though this expression was not listed in the dictionary, it was categorized as an onomatopoeic word. By taking a look at the context or the picture below, the writer realized it as onomatopoeia because the picture shows that the character in this comic is the one that makes the utterance. He is imitating sound of horse that was ridden by the cowboy. Picture IB04 page 5 “The Buckaroo of the Badlands” The sound of “yee haw” is predicted by the writer to be pronounced as ji: h ͻ :. By comparing of the pronunciation from some words such as “keep”, “sheet”, “bee”, “meet” whose double letters –ee are pronounced as i:, the writer made “yee” to be pronounced as ji:. For the second word of this onomatopoeia expression, by paying attention the words su ch as “jaw”, “raw”, “law” whose letter a is pronounced as ͻ :, therefore, the writer decided to use hͻ : as pronunciation of “haw.” In result, the pronunciation of “yee haw” becomes ji: h ͻ :. Considering the origin of this expression, the writer assume d that “yee haw” belongs to Yo-He-Ho Theory. Crystal 1987 said that language is produced because of human physical effort, such as people work together. In this expression, as shown by the picture and the context, the expression was taken when a person-especially in this picture is a cowboy- rides a horse. The human physical effort was seen through the cowboy that made an effort by riding the