Background of the Study

is needed. Moreover, Loescher 1991:8 defines translation strategy as “a potentially conscious procedure for solving a problem faced in translating a text, or any segment of it.” This translation of onomatopoeia will face a problem if there is no lexically meaning in the Indonesian dictionary. Balloon. According to Comicraft Glossary of Lettering Terms http:www.balloontales.comarticlesglossary , balloon is circular shape used to contain speech in comic book. It s ometimes refferred to as “Bubble”. 6


This chapter contains three parts. The review of related studies talks about the review from other researchers that help the writer in conducting the research. After the review of related studies is review of related theories. In this subchapter, the review will contain the theories that have relation with this research. The last part is theoretical framework. Each review of studies and theories are the key in analyzing the problems which have been formulated and to find out how the progress of this study different from other studies.

A. Review of Related Studies

As stated previously, comics are different from other works, such as novels or short stories. There is only a limited space for the author in delivering the conversation. Therefore, the authors should write the dialogue concisely and efficient. To study on the onomatopoeia translation, the writer must understand not only in the linguistic field, but also in the extra linguistics field, which is about the comic. The study the writer found is from Bara Diska Putra Krisnanto entitled The Intended Meaning of Smurf Words in Smurf Comic Strips 2010. Krisnanto stated that the readers must have cultural background knowledge and social background knowledge in order to prevent the misunderstanding of reading the comic Krisnanto, 2010, X. Kristanto found that the word smurfs contain different vocabularies. This reveals that a language used in comic has certain purposes to convey the author‟s idea in delivering the story to be imaginative and fascinating. It is also important for Krisnanto in interpreting the intended meaning of the word smurfs in the comic. The readers know that they must understand the words in the comic strips in relation to what the pictures is shown about. There must be relation between the meaning of the vocabulary given in the comic strips and the pictures, and these all must be suitable. The difference from this study is that the writer analyses onomatopoeia, while Krisnanto analysed the meaning of the word smurfs in the comic. Another research about translation of onomatopoeia has been also conducted by Hiroko Inose, entitled Translating Japanese Onomatopoeia and Mimetic Words 2010. Inose who collected the source of the onomatopoeic and mimetic expression in his research used novel Sputnik No Koibito by Haruki Murakami. He identified the method used in translating Japanese onomatopoeic and mimetic expression into Spanish and English. He found 300 cases which are extracted and nine methods by using adverbs, adjectives, verbs, noun, idioms, onomatopoeia in the target language, explicative phrases, combination of words and omission. The method which is analyzed uses some of examples, considering its effectiveness in transmitting the meaning of the original expressions. Inose‟s research is almost similar with the writer‟s research which conducted about the onomatopoeia and translation strategies in comic. The writer in this study tries to find the types of onomatopoeia, which is different from Inose who identifies through nine methods.