Read reading passage below carefully

3. Challenge yourself Answer these following questions based on your understanding

There are many cases in our surrounding showing that reproduction often fails. What are the causes of the failure?

4. In pair, match the words in column A with the related words in column B A

B …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. 1. Reproduction 2. asexual 3. sexual 4. cell division 5. opposite sex 6. offspring 7. embryo 8. disorders a. male and female b. an unborn or un-hatched offspring c. descendant d. the process of giving offspring e. involving two different gender f. the process of splitting cell g. disruption h. without sexual feelings or associations Grammar Battle .

1. Pay attention to the following sentences.

Methods of reproduction are generally classified into two classifications. Organisms that reproduce via asexual reproduction produce significantly more offspring. Words generally and significantly are called adverbs. An adverb has function to modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. ¾ Modify verbs John speaks loudly. He never smokes. ¾ Modify adjectives She is really beautiful. ¾ Modify other adverbs He drives incredibly slowly. ¾ Modify a whole sentence Obviously , I can do that. ¾ Modify a prepositional phrase It’s immediately inside the door. English for Biology Teachers PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI There are two forms of adverb: • Adverbs end in –ly. We form such adverbs by adding – ly to the adjective. Examples: softly, loudly, strongly, interestingly. Note: Not all words end in –ly are adverbs. For example, ‘friendly’ is an adjective. • Adverbs with no particular form Examples: well, fast, very, never, always, often, still. 2. Change the adjectives words in italic into adverbs in the following sentences a. That was a quick move. She moved …. b. The noise of marching band was very loud. The marching band players played their stuff …. c. They were slow runners. They ran …. d. She is a careful researcher. She does experiments …. e. We have made an interesting performance. We have performed …. 3. Make a sentence of each following adverb 1. always _____________________________________________________________________ 2. badly _____________________________________________________________________ 3. never _____________________________________________________________________ 4. usually _____________________________________________________________________ 5. strongly ___________________________________________________________________ English for Biology Teachers PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI