Types of Reading Activity

newspapers, online articles, journals, etc. As a result, reading skill is necessary for them to comprehend the texts especially those which are written in English for English is neither the mother tongue nor the lingua franca among those Biology teachers. As a matter of fact, Biology teachers at SMAN 3 Yogyakarta must handle bilingual classes in the school. The teaching tasks in which English becomes a means of communication in class encourage the Biology teachers to study English. One of their tasks is to develop Biology materials in English. It requires the Biology teachers to modify andor make summarization from available Biology books in English as well. To complete the task, English reading skill is necessary for them to be mastered. Although the school conducts English course periodically, it seems that the English learning is not effective for their further duties as Biology teachers. Therefore, the language learning should be specified. In order to make the language learning in the research effective for Biology teachers, the writer focuses the materials on reading. Furthermore, she also considers the topics stated in KTSP of senior high school in selecting the topics of the designed materials. The scope of Biology which is stated in KTSP includes: a. The nature of Biology, biological diversity and living things categorization, relationship among ecosystem components, material and energy changing, and the human role in ecosystem balance. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI b. Cellular organization, tissue structure, structure and function of organs in plants; animals and humans, and the application of Biology in science context, environment, technology and society. c. Process which happens in plants, metabolism process, heredity, evolution, biotechnology, and the implication to science, environment, technology, and society.

B. Theoretical Framework

In the research, the writer adapts Yalden’s instructional design 1987:88. The model is used to provide a framework for designing English reading materials for Biology teachers. Additionally, the writer considers some related theories which support in developing the materials. Those are principles of language learning Hutchinson and Waters, 1987:128-130, principles of language teaching Brinton, 1989:31-32, principles of obtaining comprehension Cushenbery, 1985:58-61, materials design model Hutchinson and Waters, 1987:108-109, materials adaptation Tomlinson and Masuhara, 2004:16, framework of target needs and learning needs Hutchinson and Waters, 1987:59-63, learning activities in theme-based teaching model Brinton, 1989:31-32, reading activities Wallace, 1992:114-122, and reading techniques Cushenberry, 1985:87-91. The steps to design a set of English reading materials for Biology teachers which are adapted from Yalden’s model are described on the following page. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1. Conducting the needs survey In conducting the needs survey, the writer uses questionnaires and interviews to gather data from respondents who are Biology teachers and an English teacher of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. The collected data is to discover the target needs and the learning needs. The results of the analyses help the writer formulating the learning purposes and selecting the appropriate materials in designing the materials. 2. Describing the purpose In order to meet the learners’ needs, in describing the learning purposes, the writer should look closely to the factors which are generated from the needs analysis. The purposes help the writer to decide what kind of syllabus will be used as well as its content. 3. Developing the syllabus Since the writer underlies the research on the Brinton’s theme-based teaching model, the syllabus is organized based on themes or topics Richards and Rodgers, 2003:216. Considering the described purposes and along with the principle that language is easier and more meaningful to be acquired in context Brinton, 1989:3-4, the writer chooses contenttopic syllabus type proposed by Nunan 1988:27. 4. Producing proto-syllabus The writer specifies the content of syllabus such as selection of the topics and the language features. The topics are selected based on the learners’ needs obtained from the needs analysis. The topic selection is also considering PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI