Developing the Materials The Steps in Designing a Set of English Reading Materials for Biology

Respondents No Aspects The English teacher of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta The lecturers of English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University 2 Learning Activities ¾ The learning activities were various and interesting enough. ¾ The learning activities were well-established and enabled the learners to achieve the learning goal. ¾ The activities were little bit hard for the learners. • The learning activities were various and interesting enough. • The learning activities were not really well- established since the learning activities related to comprehension were not well-developed. • The activities were easy to understand. 3 Arrangement a. Topics The topics were well- arranged. The topics were well- arranged. b. Learning Activities The arrangement of the learning activities was good, but the aim of each activity needed to be stated clearly. It was better to rearrange the learning activities from easy to more difficult ones. a. Layout The layout of the materials was good enough. The layout of the designed materials was interesting enough, but it was better not to use many different font types and size. From the results of the expert validation, all respondents agreed that the designed materials were well-established to help the learners developing their reading skills. The materials were appropriate for the learners and could motivate the learners to learn in the various activities. Nonetheless, the respondents gave some suggestions for the improvement of the designed materials. The suggestions were presented below: 1 The topics The topics in the designed materials were well-selected and well-arranged. Nevertheless, the writer should select topics which were familiar to the learners. 2 The texts There was one respondent who suggested the writer to choose the shorter, simpler and more interesting texts to be utilized in the designed materials. 3 The activities One respondent suggested that the learning activities should be started from the easiest activity. Besides, she also suggested the writer to create pair or group activities and to make reading games. There was also one respondent suggested the writer to give more exercises to develop comprehension. In addition, another respondent suggested the writer to check the use of grammar in the designed materials and the instruction of each activity should be clearer. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI