Choose the right answer by crossing x a, b, c, or d Write down the answers of these questions based on the text

There are two forms of adverb: • Adverbs end in –ly. We form such adverbs by adding – ly to the adjective. Examples: softly, loudly, strongly, interestingly. Note: Not all words end in –ly are adverbs. For example, ‘friendly’ is an adjective. • Adverbs with no particular form Examples: well, fast, very, never, always, often, still. 2. Change the adjectives words in italic into adverbs in the following sentences a. That was a quick move. She moved …. b. The noise of marching band was very loud. The marching band players played their stuff …. c. They were slow runners. They ran …. d. She is a careful researcher. She does experiments …. e. We have made an interesting performance. We have performed …. 3. Make a sentence of each following adverb 1. always _____________________________________________________________________ 2. badly _____________________________________________________________________ 3. never _____________________________________________________________________ 4. usually _____________________________________________________________________ 5. strongly ___________________________________________________________________ English for Biology Teachers PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Completing Mission .

1. Read another text about reproduction below to do the exercises that follow

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome A chance observation may help explain why some babies die unexpectedly. Sudden infant death syndrome SIDS is the biggest killer of babies over one month old in the rich world many things kill babies who are younger than this. What SIDS actually is, though, is a mystery. By definition, the child is dead when the diagnosis is made. Some of the nerve cells of SIDS victims’ brainstems often look strange. The cells in question regulate basic bodily functions, including breathing and body temperature, and in SIDS babies they are more numerous and less mature than they are in babies who have died of other causes. These cells communicate using a messenger molecule called serotonin. That gives researchers a way in, and Enrica Audero and her colleagues at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Monterotondo, Italy, have now opened it. It was at the point they realized they might have stumbled upon an animal model of SIDS. Their original experiment used a genetic switch to regulate production of a particular receptor molecule for serotonin. To make their SIDS model they tweaked this switch so that it came on when the mice were three weeks old mice are born prematurely, relative to people, so that corresponds roughly with the moment of human birth and then looked to see what would happen. At the moment, nobody knows if SIDS babies die of brachycardia or hypothermia or both. That sex bias is absent in the mice. Moreover, the changes seen in mouse brains are not exactly the same as those observed in SIDS babies, in whom the serotonin receptor in question, known as 1A, is, if anything, underactive. And a study published earlier this year, by Megan Morley of Rush University in Chicago, found no evidence of an association between abnormalities in the gene for the 1A receptor and a baby’s risk of SIDS. As regards the brain changes, a model is only a model- and in this case an accidental one. Dr. Audero’s experiment did not manipulate the receptor gene directly but, rather, manipulated its activity using the switch. This experiment does, however, suggest that genetics alone may explain some cases of SIDS. In the past, explanations have concentrated on environmental factors such as the smoking habits of the parents, bacterial infection and most famously a baby’s sleeping position. Dr Audero’s results suggest that some upset of the serotonin system may be a necessary, but not always sufficient, part of the pattern that leads to SIDS. English for Biology Teachers PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Adapted from: The Economist July 5 th – 11 th 2008 Vol 388 Number 8587 p. 84-86 2. State whether the following statements are true or false by writing T or F in the provided space Statements TF 1. The strange brainstems of the nerve cells in SIDS babies are immature. 2. The animal model of SIDS was a mouse. 3. There can be proven that SIDS relates to the abnormalities in the gene for the 1A receptor. 4. Dr. Audero’s experiment manipulated the activity of the receptor gene. 5. SIDS may be caused by environmental factors. … … … … … 3. Answer these following questions briefly based on the text in written way 1. What does SIDS stand for? 2. Why did the writer write that it is still a mystery of what SIDS actually is? 3. What is the main idea of the first paragraph? 4. What is serotonin? 5. The word “it” in the last sentence of the second paragraph refers to … 6. Who did the experiment to figure out what causes SIDS are? 7. Did the experiment succeed? 8. What are Dr. Audero’s suggestions related toSIDS? 9. Can you find any adverbs in the text? If any, mention them 10. What is the purpose of the text? 3. Fill in the blanks with the provided words 1. They make a … to identify the nature of the strange disease. 2. … is a bundle of fibres in the body that transmits impulses of sensation between the brain and other parts of the body. 3. Government … people of Indonesia based on constitutions. 4. We need to have a … research before we publish its result. 5. She … it from where it was attached. 6. To … has the same meaning with to make progress. tweaked come on regulates nerve mature diagnosis English for Biology Teachers 4. After you read two articles about reproduction, what is government supposed to do dealing with SIDS problem which increases lately? English for Biology Teachers PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI