Mercury enters the environment as the result of the normal breakdown of minerals

Completing Mission . 1. The text below is the continuation of the previous text. Read it carefully to do the exercises that follow Symptoms for Alzheimers disease can also be caused by other conditions, some of which are treatable. These include thyroid gland problems, drug reactions, and severe depression. No single test exists to diagnose Alzheimers disease, but a series of tests can rule out other illnesses and help doctors make their diagnosis. However, the only way to conclusively diagnose Alzheimers disease is by examining the brain tissue after death for the brain alterations that are the hallmark of Alzheimers disease. A doctor will conduct a comprehensive evaluation that will likely include: • Complete health history • Physical examination • Neurological and mental assessments • Blood and urine analysis • EKG and chest x-rays Also, keeping a written diary of symptoms and behaviors over time will help your health care providers understand your disease or the disease of a loved-one. Your doctor may order additional tests such as computerized tomography CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging MRI to diagnose other possible disorders. In addition, some medical centers are beginning to offer genetic testing to individuals with a family history that is suggestive of hereditary Alzheimers. In people with Alzheimers disease, changes to nerve fibers accumulate in the brain. These changes reduce the number and effectiveness of nerve cell connections. Short-term memory is affected first, followed by those sections of the brain that control other intellectual and physical functions. The rate of progression in Alzheimers disease varies with each individual. Some people become rapidly worse, while others remain stable for a long time. Traditionally, researchers believed that people survived an average of 8 years after being diagnosed with Alzheimers, but a recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the average survival was only about 3.5 years. However, some people have been known to live as long as 20 years after diagosis. When death does come, it usually results from a related infection, such as pneumonia. Although there is no cure available for Alzheimers disease, certain interventions and medication can help treat the symptoms of the disease. Two FDA-approved drugs used to treat Alzheimers disease are tacrine and donepezil. Both of these drugs help maintain levels of the brain chemical acetylcholine, which is produced at much lower levels in people with Alzheimers disease. They work by suppressing the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine in the brain. However, they dont work for everyone and they do have significant side effects. Additional promising drugs are being developed, some of which may be available within the next few years. Also, some medications may help control behavioral problems associated with Alzheimers disease, such as insomnia, agitation, anxiety, and depression. Proper nutrition, exercise, and stimulating social activities are all important. People with Alzheimers disease should be in a familiar environment that includes daily routines, maintains links with the English for Biology Teachers PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI outside world, and encourages communication. Effective management of Alzheimers disease also includes education, counseling, and support for caregivers and other family members. Adapted from: ALZ_What_Is_Alzheimers_Disease.shtml

2. Answer these following questions briefly

1. How is the Alzheimer’s disease diagnosed? 2. What things are included to a comprehensive evaluation? 3. Your doctor may order…par. 3 What does “your” refer to? 4. What is the main idea of paragraph 4? 5. Fill in the boxes showing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease 6. Can someone recover from Alzheimer’s disease? Explain 7. What are tacrine and donepezil and how do they work? 8. Make a list the treatments for people with Alzheimer’s disease 9. What does the writer want to tell us about? 10. Underline the compound sentences used in the text English for Biology Teachers 3. Fill in the following table with some important points that you found in each paragraph of the text Paragraph List of important points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Changes to nerve fiber in the brain