Read the text carefully to do the exercises

8 Achievement indicators: Learners are able to… • answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text • find main idea of the text • identify the communicative purpose of the text • match some words in the text with their meanings • use some words related to the text • identify adverbs used in the text • express their ideas related to the topic in written way PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Bring It to Mind . Answer these questions based on your understanding 1. How many numbers of Indonesian people were in 1900 and 2000? 2. Is there a big difference between those two years? 3. Why is there an increasing in number of population? Let’s Start .

1. Read the text carefully to comprehend what reproduction is

Reproduction is the biological process by which existing organisms create new individual organisms. Every existing plant, animal or other living organism is the result of biological reproduction, and all living things reproduce in some way. The many known methods of reproduction are generally placed into one of two classifications, sexual and asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction, which includes human sexual reproduction and most other animal reproduction, requires the participation of two individuals of the opposite sex. During sexual reproduction, an embryo is formed when an egg carried by the female is fertilized by the male as during human reproduction. The division of a bacterial cell into two daughter cells is an example of asexual reproduction. Typically, more complex organisms practice sexual reproduction, while single-celled and other less complex organisms practice asexual reproduction. Most plants also have the ability to reproduce utilizing asexual reproduction. Organisms that reproduce via asexual reproduction generally produce significantly more offspring than animals and other organisms that reproduce by way of sexual reproduction. However, since it relies on self-mutation, organisms created through asexual reproduction are far more susceptible to disease and other genetic disorders. Sexual reproduction, on the other hand, produces offspring with much greater genetic variation and a much smaller vulnerability to disease. Sources: English for Biology Teachers PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2. Choose the right answer by crossing x a, b, c, or d Work in pair 1. To perpetuate a species, living thing undergoes …. a. production b. pregnancy c. reproduction d. cell division 2. Living organisms, generally, reproduce in … ways. a. some b. many c. one d. two 3. Offspring production which requires two organisms of the opposite sex is called …. a. sexual reproduction b. asexual reproduction c. cell division d. nonsexual reproduction 4. Cell division which occurs to bacteria includes … a. sexual reproduction b. asexual reproduction c. fertilization d. bisexual reproduction English for Biology Teachers 5. Which type of reproduction produces greater genetic variation of offspring? a. sexual reproduction b. asexual reproduction c. cell division d. biological reproduction 6. However, since it relies on… last paragraph. What does “it” refer to? a. reproduction b. asexual reproduction c. sexual reproduction d. offspring 7. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? a. the difference between sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction b. the division of reproduction c. the meaning of reproduction d. the classification of reproduction 8. The function of the text is… a. To give information about sexual reproduction b. To explain about asexual reproduction c. To inform about offspring d. To give enlightenment about reproduction PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI