Mutual trust is part of a component of social capital. Mutual trust in this case is defined as a sense of trust among the school community with one another. This confidence can related to professionalism, performance, personal relationships and the ability of each school community, which can be a solid foundation in building a quality school. When in school there is a strong sense of trust with each other, it will easily occur the effectively cooperation and a harmonious interaction. It will be the capital to achieve maximum performance to continue for improving the quality of schools. This research was conducted in three schools known as the most qualified schools in Yogyakarta, which are SMAN 1, SMAN 8, and SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. This high-quality three schools in Yogyakarta are chosen, and it is expected to be a model of the development of social capital utilization for other schools. 1. Development of Mutual Trust by the Head master. The development of mutual trust that developed by the headmaster to teachers at SMAN 1, SMAN 3 and SMAN 8 Yogyakarta, It is to convince the teachers that all the policies are made and carried out for the benefit and head masters for improving a school quality. Besides the head master show its sincerity in working and trying to be an example, especially role in discipline against time, transparent to the use of money, fair division of labor against the additional teachers who principlely to increase the welfare of teachers. Through the trust given by the head master, teachers work more effectively, because there is a willingness to put the interests of the group over individual interests. The trust does not then make the weak supervision of the school head teacher, in addition to the trust given to teachers to guide the students, the head master role of the teacher control. The development of mutual trust between head masters and students is done by giving full confidence in the ability of students. These three well-known high schools often perform a variety of events involving the community, where as a student committee is executing. Through that events are believed to be the organizers of the student, the head master gave his trust to the students. The confidence was shown by the support given to each event. The support is in the form of moral support and non-moral. Moral support could be a motivation for organizing the event full responsibility, while support can include permission to hold the event. The other reason, the trust to head master can still be given to students because students remain consistent with students academic achievement. This is in accordance with the statement of the head master as follows ...Event also actually spur students to be independent, can be seen from them when looking for funds to the success of their event. Yet they remain consistent with their school. Besides the development of mutual trust, there is also done through the establishment of a forum that is done once a semester. In order to discuss the perceived problems together. At this forum discussed various problems of learning activities so that the attitude of unfavorable potential unfavorable. Administration officials administration TU is a very important part in the school, it is actually realized by the head master. Therefore, the head master each month do a working and meeting with them to discuss school policies, school finance and other programs. The meeting was also used as a means of evaluating the performance of the TU and overall school performance. In addition to the TU instilled a belief that without a good performance from them, schools will not be able to run smoothly and have a quality. The development of mutual trust between the head master and the Administration is done through a sense of wanting to work together, so that the head master does not feel his own work in promoting and improving the quality of schools is sustainable. Head masters often take the time to talk with the head of TU to discuss the problems faced by the school or to monitor the administration of the school, the conversation outside the meeting useful for improving respect and TU heads and staff to school leadership. The development of mutual trust head masters with the school committee performed with the school committee to provide support and meet the needs of the