Compression Explicitation The Translation Techniques

the arrangement of shelf and the collections. That is why it is called compensation because the source text is translated into another place in the target text.

c. Compression

Compression aims to suppress or reduce information of the source text which is unnecessary in the target text. There are 5data found in the data findings. The examples and deep explanation are explained below. SE : “Aku mekar bersama mereka dan belum menghadirkan lukisan indah di rumah mereka. ” TE : “I haven’t had the chance to make my grandparents happy.” Datum No.46: 046Mt--CoU The example above states that ‘akumekarbersamamereka’ which is not translated in the target text. This s entence means that ‘I have been grown up with them’. Instead of translating it, the translator translates the next statement which is ‘danbelummenghadirkanlukisanindah di rumahmereka.’ Furthermore it is categorized as compression because information is suppressed by the translator. However, it does not influence the information of the source text. SE : Mereka adalah rangkaian bunga yang indah ... TE : They are flowers ... Datum No.172: 172Mt-MtCoPE The example above deals with compression. It is caused by the omission in the target text. In the source text, the speaker compares ‘they’ with ‘a beautiful flower bouquet’. However, in the target text, the translator merely delivers ‘they are flowers’. Although the message of the source text can be delivered, the target text has less sense of how beautiful they are. Meanwhile, it would be better if the source text is translated into the same style, it does not influence the sense at all.

d. Explicitation

Guerra stated that explicitation is similar to expansion, amplification and diffusion. It aims to add or emphasize information which is not stated in the source text. According to the data findings, there are 40 data findings or 15.50 out of the whole data findings. All of data categorized as explicitation are considered as partly equivalent. Below are the examples and deep explanation of the data which are categorized as explicitation. SE : “Dari semua saudaraku, akulah yang paling “kejam” dalam meminta buku-buku ini .” TE : “And all of my siblings, I was the hardest onethe please when it comes to books.” Datum No.103: 103Hy--ExPE The example above is categorized as explicitation. In the source text, the underlined word is called as hyperbole. However, this word is translated explicitly by the translator. It aims to give more understanding to the target readers. In the source text, the word ‘kejam’ can be said ‘cruel’. However, in the target text, ‘kejam’ is translated into usual expression which is ‘the hardest one’. SE : “Aku terus mendayung dan di perjalanan ini aku bertemu dengan Mas Yani, seorang sahabat, seorang guru teater SMA .” TE : “I kept going through life and as I went I crossed path with Mas Yani, a friend and a theatre instructor at the school.” Datum No.108: 108Mt--ExPE The other example is taken from datum 108Mt--ExPE. The underlined expression in the source text can be translated into ‘I kept sailing’. However, in the target text, this sentence is explicitly translated into ‘I kept going through life’. Those sentences have the same meaning which means that the speaker kept his life to balance his life. There is comparison between lives and sailing which our life is like sailing. We have to keep moving to achieve our future. SE :Beberapa pohon bahkan telah telanjang, kehilangan semua daunnya. TE : And other trees have lost all its leaves, naked amidst the howling mind. Datum No.228: 228Pe-PeExPE In accordance with Guerra’s statement that explicitation is similar to amplification or adding information in the target text. The example above is categorized by explicitaion since the translator gives additional information. In the target text, the translator tends to emphasize the situation of the story by adding ‘…amidst the howling mind’. Meanwhile, it is not mentioned in the source text. Thus, the use of explicitation can give more detail information to the target readers without interrupting the message of the source text.

e. Generalization

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