Tabulating the Data of Questionnaire Finding the Mean

Although the others were still lower than 75, their speaking skill was good and increased. In general, their grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension were improved. Then, the result of the post test showed that using puppets in teaching transactional and interpersonal conversations gave many good impacts. First, English speaking class being attractive, interesting, fun, and not boring. It proved by the students always looked so interested and active in teaching learning process. They were so enthusiastic to make their own puppets; and then perform their own dialogue using them as an expert puppeteer. Second, the students could imagine what they are learning in the speaking class. They could feel in a real situation when they did a conversation by using certain puppets. For example, if they want to be a cartoon actor, they can use the puppets which represented the cartoon actor that they wanted. Third, the students could more comprehend the turn taking and what response to give in transactional and interpersonal conversation through puppets’ theatre, then they could do the same work that is puppets’ theatre using their own mini dialogue freely. Next, they could improve it by doing transactional and interpersonal conversations with their partners. In general, the students could explore their creativity in doing transactional and interpersonal conversations using puppets. The result of the test was not the only one proof. But, the observation guide that was filled by the teacher was also the proof that using puppets in the teaching the two kinds of conversations gave a good contribution in teaching transactional and interpersonal conversation. The observation guide result of the post test was better than before. The percentage of the score was 88 from the maximal percentage that was 100. It meant that the observers had found a high positive impact of using puppets in teaching transactional and interpersonal conversations. In detail, the English Speaking class was interesting, fun, and not boring. Next, the students fully showed their activeness in the teaching learning process. Then, the students’ response and comprehension to the material showed the better even best result. Moreover, the students’ interest, motivation, and confidence were in the very high level of scoring that meant the students’ desire in learning the two kinds of conversation using puppets showed a good increase and improvement; besides, the students were so active and creative in joining the teaching learning process that showed by the level of it was in the very high level. The two last were the effectiveness and relevancy of puppets as media in teaching transactional and interpersonal conversation were in the high level of score. The other proof which showed that using puppets in teaching transactional and interpersonal conversation gave a good contribution in teaching transactional and interpersonal conversation was the result of questionnaire that was filled by the students as the subject of the study. This questionnaire had 5 questions based on certain categories; they were about students’ interest, the advantage of using puppets in teaching leaning process, students’ motivation, the relevancy of using puppets in teaching transactional and interpersonal conversation, and its sustainability. Then, the result of all of the categories was in the high level. It showed that the students thought that the use of puppets in teaching learning process help them very much.