24 . The translator of the subtitles is Robbinsan. In this research, English was the source language and Indonesian was the target language. In gathering the data, the researcher employed some steps. First, the researcher watched the movie with the English subtitles. At the same time, the researcher collected the idioms which appeared in the movie. Second, the researcher consulted the dictionary and the theory of idioms to make sure that what the researcher collected were all idioms. Third, to encounter the translation strategy, the researcher compared the English source language idioms and the Indonesian target language translation by reading the Indonesian subtitles. Fourth, the researcher made tables which consisted of idioms, the translation of the idioms, categories, and strategies. Fifth, the researcher put the idioms into the appropriate categories and analyzed the translation strategies. Particularly for semi-idioms, the researcher provided another table which consisted of idioms and types of idioms.

C. Data Analysis Technique

Bogdan and Biklen 2007 explain data analysis as searching and arranging the materials systematically so that it leads the researcher to the findings. The researcher adapted and adjusted Creswell‟s 2014 theory of qualitative data analysis technique. Creswell 2014 proposes six steps of data analysis technique whereas the researcher modified it into four steps. The steps were organizing and preparing the data, coding all of the data, presenting the data, and making interpretation of the data. 25

1. Organizing and Preparing the Data

The researcher organized the data which would be analyzed. The data were the English idioms of The Intern movie and their Indonesian translation. The source data were the English and Indonesian subtitles of The Intern movie. The researcher retrieved the subtitles from and printed out the subtitles in order to help the researcher to learn the data.

2. Coding all of the Data

According to Creswell 2014, coding is a process which involves taking the text data or pictures, segmenting sentences or paragraphs or images into categories and giving labels. The coding process began by watching the The Intern movie along with the English subtitles to know the context of the idioms. While watching the movie, the researcher collected the idioms. The researcher repeated this process four times to make sure all of the idioms were collected. There were 135 idioms as the data. In validating the collected idioms, the researcher employed the theory of idioms and the Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary. In addition, the researcher emailed the collected idioms to Erik Hookom as the English native speaker and formerly PBI lecturer and asked him to proofread them. He narrowed down the data to 130 idioms. After receiving his reply, the researcher consulted the feedback with the thesis advisor. The thesis advisor did not add or omit the data. Therefore, the data remained 130 idioms. 26 After obtaining and validating the list of the English idioms, the researcher categorized them into pure idioms, semi-idioms, and literal idioms. Then, the researcher classified the semi-idioms according to the figures of speech. This process was done to answer the first research question. To answer the second research question related to the strategies for translating the idioms, the researcher compared the collected English idioms with the Indonesian translation. Next, the researcher identified the strategies based on Baker‟s 2011 theory. The strategies were using an idiom of similar meaning and form, using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form, borrowing the source language idiom, paraphrase, and omission. During the analysis, there was an emerging strategy which was identified in the data, namely literal translation by Larson 1984. The researcher read the classification of the idioms and the translation strategies. After that, the researcher consulted the theories and the dictionary to ensure the data. The validation for the classification of the idioms and the translation strategies was from Theodorus Adicahya 2011 as the PBI graduate who conducted the similar research. The researcher consulted him about the classification via email for two times. The researcher received some corrections in the classification of idiom translation strategies. At first, the least strategy was using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form. After being revised by Adicahya, the least strategy was omission. The last validation was obtained from the thesis advisor. We checked and rechecked the data for three times. The thesis