Borrowing the Source Language of Idiom

49 Table 4.8 Form and Meaning: Omission SL Idiom TL Idiom Idiom crazy son of a bitch sungguh gila Form idiomatic expression non-idiomatic expression dissimilar lexical items Meaning crazy and bad person crazy Table 4.8 shows that the translation of crazy son of a bitch is sungguh gila . Son of a bitch is considered impolite in the TL. Thus, it is omitted in the translation of the TL. The SL idiom is employed to give a strong statement and it is shown in the TL by using sungguh. Therefore, the translation is more natural. Another idiom which is translated using omission strategy is the idiom you know A106 . You know is omitted in the sentence and I wonder sometimes how guys fit in, you know?. You know is an expression used to emphasize something that a person is saying before. Jules expressed her wonder about how males adapted with the new situation. Even though the idiom is removed, it does not make the sentence meaningless. You know is not the main information of the sentence, so it does not alter the meaning of the sentence. The main information is still delivered with the omission of the SL idiom.

C. Another Finding

The researcher also finds another strategy which is not proposed by Baker used for translating idioms in the movie. The strategy is literal translation which is proposed by Larson 1984. This strategy is not specifically used to translate idioms. Newmark 1988 states that literal translation can be employed above the word level, such as idioms, as long as the meaning and the context of the SL and 50 TL correspond. However, the researcher finds that most idioms in the movie which are translated using this strategy convey the different meaning. Excerpt [18] There are nine idioms translated using literal translation strategy. One of the idioms is hold your horses . This idiom means to tell somebody to wait for a moment and not be so excited that they take action without thinking about it first. Table 4.9 Form and Meaning: Literal Translation SL Idiom TL Idiom Idiom hold your horses tahan kudamu Form idiomatic expression non-idiomatic expression similar lexical items Meaning wait a moment handle your horse Referring to Table 4.9, hold your horses and tahan kudamu have different meaning. The idiom hold your horses is translated word per word without taking into account the meaning in the TL. After looking at the context, the idiom will be more meaningful if it is paraphrased into bersabarlah . The idiom emerged when Jules‟s additional driver scolded another driver because he almost hit Jules‟s car. In f act, Jules‟s additional driver was the one who drove crazily. The second idiom is a piece of cake A93 . This idiom means that something is very easy to do. The strategy which is used to translate the idiom is literal translation. A piece becomes sepotong and cake becomes kue . In other words, the translator translates the idiom based on their literal meaning. This translation is not accurate because the meaning of the SL idiom in the TL is not English Subtitles Indonesian Subtitles 00:58:47,062  00:58:50,329 - Come on - Hold your horses, maniac 00:58:47,140  00:58:50,407 - Ayolah - Tahan kudamu, orang gila A73