Using an Idiom of Simiar Meaning but Dissimilar Form

47 on purpose. This idiom means not by accident or deliberately. The translation of this idiom is disengaja which is the meaning of on purpose in the TL. Table 4.7 Form and Meaning: Paraphrase SL Idiom TL Idiom Idiom on purpose Disengaja Form idiomatic expression non-idiomatic expression different lexical items Meaning not by accident not by accident According to Table 4.7, the SL idiom undergoes changes in the TL form. In the SL, the idiom is in the form of a preposition on and a noun purpose . Meanwhile, in the TL, it is changed into a passive verb and it becomes non- idiomatic expression. The form adjustment does not remove the meaning of the SL idiom. Moreover, it makes the translation clearer and more natural. The second example of idiom which employs paraphrase strategy is counting on A91 . This idiom means to trust somebody to do something. This idiom appeared when Jules told her interns that she had sent a wrong email and needed to fix it. She wanted to ask for help of the interns. The idiom is paraphrased into memperhitungkan . Memperhitungkan is the meaning of counting, but it is less accurate in this context. Memperhitungkan yields a meaning to consider what actions should be taken and its risks. The possible translation of counting on in this context is mengandalkan which is more accurate, clear, and natural. The third example of idiom which is translated using paraphrase is call some of the shots A126 . This idiom appeared when Jules explained to Matt about her decision to point out someone as the CEO of About The Fit. Call some 48 of the shots means to be the person who controls a situation. The person who was going to control the situation was the new CEO, not Jules anymore. The idiom is paraphrased into memanggil beberapa pimpinan. This idiom is not successfully transferred into the TL because it changes the meaning. Jules was not calling the company chiefs but looking for someone who can become the CEO. The accurate, clear, and natural translation of the idiom is memperbaiki situasi.

5. Omission

Omission is employed when SL idioms have no close match in the TL or its meaning cannot be easily paraphrased. This strategy also can be applied due to stylistic reasons. In the movie subtitles, there are two idioms translated using this strategy. Excerpt [17] Based on Excerpt [17], Davis said you are a crazy son of a bitch to Ben because he admired the bravery of Ben. There are some parts of the SL idiom you are a crazy son of a bitch which are not translated and omitted in the TL. Parts of the SL idiom which is translated is crazy. It becomes gila. Meanwhile, son of a bitch is omitted. English Subtitles Indonesian Subtitles 01:14:46,684  01:14:49,252 You are a crazy son of a bitch. You know that, right? 01:14:46,762  01:14:49,330 Kau sungguh gila. Kau tahu itu, bukan? A100 49 Table 4.8 Form and Meaning: Omission SL Idiom TL Idiom Idiom crazy son of a bitch sungguh gila Form idiomatic expression non-idiomatic expression dissimilar lexical items Meaning crazy and bad person crazy Table 4.8 shows that the translation of crazy son of a bitch is sungguh gila . Son of a bitch is considered impolite in the TL. Thus, it is omitted in the translation of the TL. The SL idiom is employed to give a strong statement and it is shown in the TL by using sungguh. Therefore, the translation is more natural. Another idiom which is translated using omission strategy is the idiom you know A106 . You know is omitted in the sentence and I wonder sometimes how guys fit in, you know?. You know is an expression used to emphasize something that a person is saying before. Jules expressed her wonder about how males adapted with the new situation. Even though the idiom is removed, it does not make the sentence meaningless. You know is not the main information of the sentence, so it does not alter the meaning of the sentence. The main information is still delivered with the omission of the SL idiom.

C. Another Finding

The researcher also finds another strategy which is not proposed by Baker used for translating idioms in the movie. The strategy is literal translation which is proposed by Larson 1984. This strategy is not specifically used to translate idioms. Newmark 1988 states that literal translation can be employed above the word level, such as idioms, as long as the meaning and the context of the SL and