Omission Strategies for Translating Idioms

52 Paraphrase becomes the option for translating idioms because SL idioms do not always have the equivalent idioms in the TL. An example of an idiom which does not have the equivalence in the TL is busy man about town A82. This idiom means a man who often goes to fashionable parties. Even though literal translation is not proposed by Baker 2011, it becomes the second most used strategy. This strategy is chosen possibly because the translator did not know that he dealt with idioms. As Baker 2011 states that “ the first difficulty that a translator comes across is being able to recognize that he or she is dealing with an idiomatic expression ” p. 69. Thus, the translator translated the idioms based on the literal meaning. Newmark 1988 states that literal translation can be employed as long as the meaning and the context of the SL and TL correspond. However, the findings show that the translation of the SL idioms using this strategy are not accurate, clear, and natural. 53


In this last chapter of the research, there are three parts. They are conclusions, implications, and recommendations. The conclusions are revealed based on the findings of the research. The implications present the contributions of this research for the language teaching. The recommendations are for translators, English teachers, English learners, and future researchers.

A. Conclusions

There are two main points as the conclusions of this research. The first conclusion is to answer the first research question which deals with the categories of idioms used in The Intern movie. The researcher found that all of the idioms can be categorized based on Fernando‟s 1996 theory into pure idioms, semi- idioms, and literal idioms. For semi-idioms, the researcher classified them into four figures of speech: simile, metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole. The researcher discovered 130 idioms. The highest frequency was pure idioms 43.8. It was followed by literal idioms 30. The least category was semi-idioms which accounted for 26.2. They were comprised of simile 0.8, metaphor 20, metonymy 3.1, and hyperbole 2.3. The second conclusion answers the second research question which deals with the strategies to translate the idioms. The strategies for translating idioms in the subtitles were identif ied using Baker‟s 2011 theory: 1 using an idiom of