In this last chapter of the research, there are three parts. They are conclusions, implications, and recommendations. The conclusions are revealed based on the findings of the research. The implications present the contributions of this research for the language teaching. The recommendations are for translators, English teachers, English learners, and future researchers.

A. Conclusions

There are two main points as the conclusions of this research. The first conclusion is to answer the first research question which deals with the categories of idioms used in The Intern movie. The researcher found that all of the idioms can be categorized based on Fernando‟s 1996 theory into pure idioms, semi- idioms, and literal idioms. For semi-idioms, the researcher classified them into four figures of speech: simile, metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole. The researcher discovered 130 idioms. The highest frequency was pure idioms 43.8. It was followed by literal idioms 30. The least category was semi-idioms which accounted for 26.2. They were comprised of simile 0.8, metaphor 20, metonymy 3.1, and hyperbole 2.3. The second conclusion answers the second research question which deals with the strategies to translate the idioms. The strategies for translating idioms in the subtitles were identif ied using Baker‟s 2011 theory: 1 using an idiom of 54 similar meaning and form, 2 using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form, 3 borrowing, 4 translation by paraphrase, and 5 omission. Based on the findings, 5.4 idioms translated using the first strategy, 3.1 idioms translated using the second strategy, 1.5 idioms translated using the third strategy, 80.8 idioms translated using the fourth strategy, 2.3 idioms translated using the fifth strategy. Besides Baker‟s 2011 theory, Larson‟s 1984 theory, namely literal translation was also used to translate 6.9 of the total idioms in the movie. From the analysis, the researcher discovered that the highest category of idioms found in the movie was pure idiom. Pure idiom is the most challenging category of idioms because all of the words that construct them are non-literal or metaphorical. Therefore, the translators should choose the appropriate strategy for translating them. Furthurmore, paraphrase was the most frequently used strategy to translate all the categories of idioms in The Intern movie. This strategy was applied due to the lack of equivalent idioms in the TL and the lexical and stylistic differences between the SL and TL.

B. Implications

This research aimed to give contibutions to the field of English education, particulary to the language teaching. Through this research, students can learn that to be fluent in English needs the knowledge of idioms. Idioms are used in everyday conversations. Therefore, there would be misunderstanding if the students cannot interpret the meaning of the idiom appropriately. Teachers and 55 lecturers with their students can learn idioms by watching The Intern movie. The students can start learning idioms from the easiest ones or literal idioms. Thus, they can use it in the daily life. Students of ELESP can also practice translating the idioms of The Intern movie in the translation course. In addition, idioms, as a part of vocabulary, can improve the students‟ reading and speaking skills. It would be beneficial if lecturers add idioms as the vocabulary materials. As mentioned in research background, idioms are used in written and spoken form. Thus, students can be more natural in writing and speaking English by learning idioms.

C. Recommendations

This research is dealing with idiom translation in The Intern movie. Thus, this research can be beneficial for translators, English learners, English teachers, and future researchers. For translators, the researcher recommends them to deepen their knowledge of language and culture of the source and target language. Besides, the translators should have an extension knowledge of translation. Therefore, when they encounter unfamiliar words or phrases, the translation would not be loss of meaning. Some idioms can mean literal and non-literal at the same time. Thus, it is important for the translators to refer to the context and always check the dictionary. They also need to read theories of idioms, for example, the theories by Fernando 1996, O‟Dell and McCarthy 2010, and Wales 2011. By doing so, 56 they could identify the idioms and employ the appropriate strategy to translate them so that they can produce a good translation. For English learners and teachers, the researcher urges English learners and teachers to learn English idioms and their first language idioms. Therefore, they understand the context to use English idioms. Besides, it is recommended for the teachers to use media, for example movies, that can help the students in learning idioms. For future researchers, this research can be a reference. Future researchers can develop this research. They can evaluate the idiom translation by using a rubric. Besides, they can conduct research on the functions of idioms either formal and informal situation. Conducting the similar topic on other media or literary works is also possible for those who are interested. 57 REFERENCES n.d.. Retrieved on November 25, 2016, from Subscene at https:subscene.comsubtitlesthe-intern-2015english1241705 n.d.. Retrieved on November 25, 2016, from Subscene at https:subscene.comsubtitlesthe-intern-2015indonesian1246722 Adelnia, A., Dastjerdi, H. V. 2011. Translation of idioms: A hard task for the translator [Electronic version]. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 1 7, pp. 879-883. Retrieved on November 1, 2016, from http:www.academypublication.comissuespasttplsvol010720.pdf Adicahya, T. 2015. An analysis of idiom translation of Ice Age: Continental Drift movie subtitle [Electronic version] . Undergraduate Thesis, Sanata Dharma University. Retrieved on August 24, 2016, from Ary, D., L.C. Jacobs, A. Razavieh, Sorensen, C. 2010. Introduction to research in education 8 th ed.. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Baker, M. 2011. In other words 2 nd ed.. New York: Routledge. Bassnett, S. 2008. Translation studies 3 rd ed.. London: Routledge. Bogdan, R. C., Biklen, S. K. 2007. Qualitative research for education. New York: Pearson Education. British Council. 2013. The English effect [Electronic version] . London: the British Council. Retrieved on September 12, 2016, from https:www.britishcouncil.orgsitesdefaultfilesenglish-effect-report- v2.pdf Carter, R. 2004. Language and creativity. London: Routledge. Chaer, A. 1986. Kamus idiom bahasa Indonesia. Flores: Nusa Indah. Cintas, J. D., Remael, A. 2014. Audiovisual translation: Subtitling. New York: Routledge. Creswell, J. W. 2007. Qualitative inquiry research design: Choosing among five approaches 2 nd ed.. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc. Creswell, J. W. 2014. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, mixed method approach 4 th ed.. Thousands Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc. Dixson, R. J. 2003. Essential idioms in English. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Eifring, H., Theil, R. 2005. Linguistics for students of Asian African languages chap. 1 . Retrieved on September 12, 2016, from